compTIA A+ Certification Exam


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
Who in here have taken, or are going to take, the CompTIA A+ Certificate Exam? Im taking it in a few weeks so i thought id gather as much information about it as i possibly can. If you have taken it, give me a few tips. What was frustrating about it? How was it layed out? Did you have enough time to answer all questions? Did you use the "skip and come back lateR" method for some questions? etc etc

If you are going to take it, what are you using to study for it?
I myself got a 800 page packet filled with QnA with the material that will be covered, im doing pretty good with it too.

Any information relating to the CompTIA A+ exam is helpful. Thanks
I've taken and passed both A+ and Network+ as far as CompTIA tests go, and I don't feel A+ is a very difficult test. Be familiar with hardware, operating systems and related software, and basic networking.

Time shouldn't be an issue, most people finish these tests with atleast 30 minutes or so left on the timer. I believe you can also mark the questions for review after you finish the last question, at which point you can go back and review your answers.

I think the most important thing though is to be able to read very carefully what the questions are asking, and not answer them quickly. Definitely don't rush through it.
I've done the A+ and N+ too. The easiest way to pass is to source a bunch of Transcender and/or Test King test exams and blitz them untill you're familiar with all the topics and types of questions you will be asked. As with any test of this type, half the battle is being familair with the exam. It's the same with MS, Cisco .... Transcender ftw.
Thanks for your input. I got the testking training package which has helped a lot. On test practices i get about 75 - 80 % of the questions right, so i need to improve a bit to be on the safe side.
The forums here will tell you everything you need to know:

I've taken it several years ago. It's comprised of two parts, the OS and hardware exams.

It's not that hard. Also, the OS portion didn't include Vista when I took the exam back then.
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. I passed it :D I got 850 on the essentials exam, but the second one was wayyy harder, got 730. Phew, thats a relief. It had like 2 vista questions, and a whole lot of printer questions :/

Now, bake me a cake.
\o/ Nice one.

I found the second test harder too.
Congratulations! You are Awesome!
I got my A+ awhile ago but it seems kind of useless now... I haven't ever needed it.

The test was decently easy though.