Computer Abuse


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
Hay, I just smashed my keyboard in half, hopefully pics later.

So, have you ever abused your computer and/or accesories?

p.s. I wrote this on the goddamn screen keyboard, took five minutes :p
Why did you murder your keyboard?
i once smashed my mouse ball and i a metal sphere came out. and i was always looking for a metal sphere for some photography stuff, and there i had it..
Why did you murder your keyboard?
My brother pissed me off and I play a game to blow off steam. The game mechanics completely slap me in the face, going "LOL, WUT". I usually don't angry for something so silly, but you don't know my brother's angry-making capabilities :p

So I smashed it like 5 times and on the fifth it just cracked all the way down in the middle.
Srsly, you took ur anger out on your keyboard?

/b/ would be furious
My mouse is like a lab rat. I burn it, melt it, deform it, hit it, pinch it, glue stuff on it and hate it. Oh and I feed it 70% alcohol and trichloroethylene.
My brother pissed me off and I play a game to blow off steam. The game mechanics completely slap me in the face, going "LOL, WUT".

What game was this?

I'm on it!

I once dented my PSU when I kicked my tower into the wall. I don't even know how or why I was angry, but the PC wasn't on. I think. Also I don't understand how it dented.

Edit: Done.
I've got a feeling that whatever I'm going to say next, you'll just keep degrading me like it's your god-given right. Thanks, asshat.

Let's not bring god into this. Frankly that's stupid thing to do, try deep breathing instead next time.
God would LOL, tbh.

I've smashed the keys off a keyboard before, but they popped back on and still worked. Strangely enough, it was work I took home with me and not a game that caused me to snap.
Let's not bring god into this. Frankly that's stupid thing to do, try deep breathing instead next time.
Oh it's just an expression, you know what I mean :p And normally I do keep my calm and don't get annoyed, but this series of unfortunate events bypassed my normally stoical behaviour :p
Let's not bring god into this. Frankly that's stupid thing to do, try deep breathing instead next time.

It's his stuff he can do what he wants, the real problem with not hitting children in when 12 year olds break keyboards at lan cafes because they got shot by a "DIRTY HAX0R".
I once smashed a PS1 pad (non-dual shock) because of the most frustrating last level of all, on Worlds Scariest Police Chases.

Man that was a ****ing annoying level.
I remember times when I was younger that if a game pissed me off that bad I would start crying. :laugh:
i have smashed a few keyboards, broken a few mice....i once stuck my penis in the psu just to see what happened
And what did happen?
Lawl, never actually damaged my PC myself. However, my brother did tear most of the keys out of my keyboard in a fit of rage once... :p

Also, I unknowingly burst in on my friend when he was playing Doom 3 a while ago. He chucked his wireless mouse across the f*cking room :laugh:
I used to get mad with my old 486 and beat it up, but that was because beating it up actually fixed it temporarily (dodgy CD drive).

They don't build them like that any more.
I once smashed a PS1 pad (non-dual shock) because of the most frustrating last level of all, on Worlds Scariest Police Chases.

Man that was a ****ing annoying level.

Oh man, I feel your pain.
I'm on it!

I once dented my PSU when I kicked my tower into the wall. I don't even know how or why I was angry, but the PC wasn't on. I think. Also I don't understand how it dented.

Edit: Done.

Back in the day, on my fathers computer, I was playing Starcraft, and kept losing, so I got really pissed, and kicked the computer. It turned off, and wouldn't turn back on. I was like 13 at the time, and had no idea what to do, so I was flipping out. I thought I was dead. But I fixed it :D

And I hit my keyboard all the time, slam my desk, etc..
People are actually breaking their kepboard and taking photos because this thread, I suspect.

Im thinking about it. I have and older one I could smash for some fun.

The only electronic thing I ever broke out of video game rage was a n64 controller. I stood up, ripped the cord out of the system, and did a side arm boomerang throw, sending it smashing into the wall. The thing shattered on impact, and it made me even more pissed that I just broke my only controller.
I chucked my PS2 out the window when it became clear that the thing was beyond repair.
The only game that's ever, EVER made me hostile towards my mouse/keyboard is UT2004. Geezus I dont noes why!
Anyways thank god that hasn't happened since I've gotten my mx518 :p
I get extremely angry playing Gears of War. Lets just say I'm suprised my controller still works.
I like throwing discs at the wall really hard.

Man I ****ing hated certain games.
I like throwing discs at the wall really hard.

Man I ****ing hated certain games.

Ha me too. Most of the CD's I throw are so old they're not compatible with current computers anymore. I love it when they shatter.