computer and half-life



hey i just bought half-life 2 today... i checked all the minimum requirements to make sure it would work and happily found out i meet the requirements...

so i take it home and stiff it into my computer and!....nothing happens...i go to "My Computer" and it just says CD-RW drive (D:)

so i called up gamestop (where i got it from) and they said it might be the CD and to bring it in to swap it for a new one... which i did and i brought it home and stuck it into my computer only to find!...the same problem...

so i took HL2 upstairs to my mom computer to see if it worked and it worked fine...

again i meet all the minimum does anyone have any idea as to why my computer wont even recognize that the CD is in the drive? ... other CDs like other games and audio CDs work fine too
OH omg thanks u so much lol!!!

it was in a dvd drive in the computer upstairs!!...

yay now i have hope in actually playing the game!
Rofl. I remember helping someone having difficulty installing a program years ago. They just couldn't figure out how to install it. They said they'd tried to run the install several times, but it would not work.

I then found out they were running the uninstall executable. :LOL: