Computer Asplode


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
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This stupid computer has got a corrupt c/system32/config/system file, apparently. So what to do? Start the repair section of the recovery console, of course! (Via Windows Xp, SP1.) But what happens? When I attempt to log on using the recovery console...



Wtf, honestly, this is moronic. I don't know why it happened, I don't know wtf is going on. It's really annoying though. I guess I'll keep trying and keep you posted.

I think the system config file that is corrupt is the one that lets me a) boot and b) use the recovery console...

/EDIT looks like I can't access the main HD at all, all windows crash when I try.
well.....try plugging the HD into another computer (don't boot off it though) and see if you can get to the files through windows explorer. Also, there are a multitude of disk/data recovery programs out there you can try if you get the HDD into another working computer as a slave HDD.
this happened to me but i just had to totally format. i also had a way to back up stuff with several hard drives.
I had that problem but instead of using the recovery console i started the instalation on windows and it gives you an option to repair where windows copys over important systems files to the HD saved me loads of times.
Found it, the crashing on recovery console turned out to be an incompatabillity problem between my system discs and Service Pack 2. I had to make a new boot disc instead, ran chkdsk, everything worked fine. Hooray!