Computer Buzzes When Mapping


Jul 13, 2003
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Well, this was the best place I could think to put this. When I work on maps in hammer, my tower (not speakers) makes a buzzing noise that changes when you select different objects and such. I've pinned it down to the 3d view - when I switch it to a normal 2d one the sound stops completely. Anyone else had this problem and got past it?
I'v got the same problem but i sorta just ignored it lol but i'd like to fix it incase its causein a any problems for my system...
yeah i get the same thing, its really audible in my sennheiser headphones. this is using soundstorm on an nf7-s.
Same problem here -- something to do with power draw. Seems that when my processor's working hard, the processor fan slows down a little. Barely audible, and it's been happening since I first built this machine a year ago, so it's not a real concern, I guess.
As long as the computer still works and it doesn't crash, I'm happy.
I've never gotten the problem before

Do you have a sound scheme (with sounds) set up in windows? I found that if you don't that somethings will cause the pc to beep, instead of playing a sound or not making sound. So instead of selecting "No Sound" as your scheme and leaving it without sounds you could select something like default beep and assign a sound. If you do have something like that then im at a loss.
I've got that... its something to do with the screen refreshing I'm thinking, because some old dos games do it too.. if you are opening a menu, it stops for a split second etc.. its weird.
Well i gotta say i am on a very old 13" monitor atm and the refresh rate only goes upto 60Hz lol, so it mite be that as i have heard the sound before with few other programs, like you said old dos games
Most of these buzzes coming out of speakers are caused by short circuits somewhere in the pc's case. I've noticed it when I use the mic on my headset. Try touching the back of your sound card with your finger - I know it sounds wierd but on mine it makes the buzz stop. It'll start again when you let go but at least you can then narrow it down to a dodgy soundcard.

If it's your actual case making noises then you're right, it's probably a fan (either cpu or gpu) speeding up - if you've got a board with a decent set of monitoring tools you may be able to manually override this. Careful you don't turn the fan down so low that you fry everything!