Computer crashing after upgrade.

Aug 28, 2004
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I added RAM and put in a new GPU (MSI nVidia GeForce 6600GT although I only have a 4x AGP slot) and my computer has been crashing every 3 or 4 days. Could this be overheating? Please help.
Check the GPU temp in the Nvidia properties, if it's above 70 celcius than it's getting pretty hot.
Yeh check teh temps, your new card could have increased the overall temps of the componants in teh case. Download Everest Home Edition, found at, then see what the temps are, if they seem quite high, then a case fan or 2 might be needed.

Also make sure that you have got rid of the drivers for your previous card as they might be causing teh new card to crash, bring down your whole system.
Where do I find this? Using Everest I can find this.

Motherboard 35 °C (95 °F)
CPU 36 °C (97 °F)
MAXTOR 6L040J2 47 °C (117 °F)

Voltage Values
CPU Core 1.46 V
CPU Aux 1.51 V
+3.3 V 3.35 V
+5 V 5.16 V

But where can I find the nVidia sensor and the PSU? Also, RAM could cause my computer to crash? I did not know this...
yeh the ram could cause teh pc to crash, not sure how you could check the tmp of it though. As for the temp of your gfx card, i'm also not sure where you could find the temps, I havnt had an nVidia card for a while now and i'm unsure of that the control panel consists of nowadays, but that would be a good place to look. Those temps you posted look alright to me, except teh HD seems alittle high although it should be alright. ALso did you try completely uninstallimg and installing teh drivers for your card to make sure they are all ok?
I had a nVidia card so those drivers I had, the latest ones, should be fine.

Ok, I've had 3 crashes in one day and I'm losing data from Mozilla Firefox (lost most of my many bookmarks, flashgot, and forecaster fox). I'm getting scared. Should I just take out the new stuff for a few days to figure out the problem?
duffers20 said:
Yeh check teh temps, your new card could have increased the overall temps of the componants in teh case. Download Everest Home Edition, found at, then see what the temps are, if they seem quite high, then a case fan or 2 might be needed.

Just think I should second this post in case anyone ignores your link - Everest is such a killer program. I got it a while back. Helps with device identification, links to driver and manufacturer pages, gives system temps, runs a few benchmarks...awesome.
What power supply do you have? The AGP version of that card needs an extra power connector so make sure you have enough juice. Also you might want to uninstall all of your drivers and then reinstall all of them. First the motherboard driver and then the videocard and soundcard (if any). Motherboard drivers can cause crashes. You can skip it if you did that when you reformatted.