Computer making strange vibrating sound...

Nid Banikeri

Oct 6, 2004
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OK, well this has been happening for quite a while now. My computer just randomly starts making a pretty dam loud vibrating sound. I give the top of a case a good hard whack and it stops but then it slowly builds up again until its unbearable.

I'm concerned that this is my hard drive dying on me, but why would it stop by giving it a whack?

Is it just a fan thats faulty? If so how would I find out which one.

Thanks for the help.
check all the screws for fixing teh sides of the case to the main part of the case. Also check all screws that connect something with a fan on it to another part of the case. HD mounting cages also, check the screws fixing the hd's to teh case.
well its probably a fan.. or your HSF maybe. try to examine the problem when it happens... like is the room getting hotter? the cpu temp or some other reading getting hotter. or simply loose fan.
My old computer used to do this. I fixed it by loosening the screws on the CPU fan so that it was basically just kinda sitting on the CPU.
My computer does this on occasion. Most noticable when I insert a CD and the drive spins up. For me, the problem lies with the case panels rattling. The side panels vibrate and to sovle it all I did was fold lil peices of paper and shoved them in the seam where the case panel meets with the front part. I'm not sure if that makes any sense, but oh well.
It's one of your fans, my power supply fan is doing that too, actually right now as I'm typing.