Computer Restarts Itself


Jul 11, 2006
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Recently I had purchased a new PC having an Asus K8VM Ultra MotherBoard with PCI Express slot having a 754 socket with that I had NVIDIA GeForce 7300 PCI LE running on Windows XP professional with that I'm having a big ****ing problem, while playing games PC restarts automatically. First I thought the problem will be in Graphic card so I changed the Graphic Card but still the problem was their then 2nd I think might their will be problem in Motherboard so I changed the Motherboard too, but still the problem was their and now I have changed the Graphic Card twice and Motherboard once but the same problem is recurring. Even the Engineer doesn't unstd. so what shld I do now? is their something I that I'm not doing or shld I changed my motherboard or Graphic Card. Please help me. :(
It could easily be a faulty ram module. If the powersupply isn't powerful enough, that could also be the problem, but I don't think so. Those parts won't require so much power.

Also, you should first determine without a doubt which part is causing the crash. You can do that by taking the pc apart and rebuilding it with only the basic components. If that doesn't crash, add the other parts one by one. Untill it crashes again. Then it could either be that the part is faulty or that it is conflicting with something else.
It could be a few things. Powersupply, memory, bad drivers, poor power from the wall etc.
It could easily be a faulty ram module. If the powersupply isn't powerful enough, that could also be the problem, but I don't think so. Those parts won't require so much power.

faulty ram module? I got 512 DDR, something like SD or SG Ram.

Also, you should first determine without a doubt which part is causing the crash. You can do that by taking the pc apart and rebuilding it with only the basic components. If that doesn't crash, add the other parts one by one. Untill it crashes again. Then it could either be that the part is faulty or that it is conflicting with something else.

by using this sense, I removed my graphic card and runs a PC, then it runs nicely, on this without Graphic Card I can play games like Warcraft 3 and Morrowind, but by installing Graphic Card only Desktop Works properly,audio and Video goes hang and While playing game PC restarts automatically.
It could be a few things. Powersupply, memory, bad drivers, poor power from the wall etc.

ummm....... Powersupply might be, memory I don't think so, for Drivers I install drivers through given CD, poor power I shld check for this. let's hope for better.
if its happy without the gfx card, but crahes with any card you put in, I would imagine your psu isn't keeping up.
yea it has to be the psu. what do you have in there a 250w?? you need at least a 350w.
If you want to rule out the memory either put a different stick in or run memtest (check's for memory errors).
if its happy without the gfx card, but crahes with any card you put in, I would imagine your psu isn't keeping up.

yea it has to be the psu. what do you have in there a 250w?? you need at least a 350w.

I ask the above ques? to my engineer, he says we are ok with PSU and we have 450w of PSU in cabinet, then where the **** hell is problem he says I'm going to consult with his senior I think I have to go for another rig. Please advise. :)
If you want to rule out the memory either put a different stick in or run memtest (check's for memory errors).

u mean to say Windows Memory Diagnostic test which tests the Random Access Memory (RAM) on computer for errors.? lets try this also for different stick I have to ask for my engineer.
I ask the above ques? to my engineer, he says we are ok with PSU and we have 450w of PSU in cabinet, then where the **** hell is problem he says I'm going to consult with his senior I think I have to go for another rig. Please advise. :)

The PSU may be faulty. I have had probs like this in the past, and its turned out to be the PSU. They may be rated high enough, but if they arn't providing power reliably, you will get probs like this. Just wack a cheap PSU in there and see if you get the same issue.
The PSU may be faulty. I have had probs like this in the past, and its turned out to be the PSU. They may be rated high enough, but if they arn't providing power reliably, you will get probs like this. Just wack a cheap PSU in there and see if you get the same issue.

it sounds cool, I hope this will work.
It could be a few things. Powersupply, memory, bad drivers, poor power from the wall etc.

I consult with my some friends, they said it's common to occured this problem and advise to update the drivers. I check out the Nvidia site but the site doesn't have specific card drivers. Is there any site from which I can download........
When you go to the Nvidia website, you choose the drivers for the "Geforce" series. They do not make drivers for individual cards, the geforce drivers work for all geforce cards.
thanks! it supports alot of card.

Product Support List Windows XP 32-bit – 93.71

GeForce2 MX, GeForce2 MX 100, GeForce2 MX 200, GeForce2 MX 400, GeForce3, GeForce3 Ti 200, GeForce3 Ti 500, GeForce4 MX 420, GeForce4 MX 440, GeForce4 MX 440-SE, GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X, GeForce4 MX440SE with AGP8X, GeForce4 MX 460, GeForce2 MX Integrated graphics, GeForce4 MX Integrated graphics, GeForce4 MX 4000, GeForce4 Ti 4200, GeForce4 TI 4200 with AGP8X, GeForce4 Ti 4400, GeForce4 Ti 4600, GeForce4 Ti 4800, GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE, GeForce FX 5100, GeForce FX 5200, GeForce FX 5200LE, GeForce FX 5200 Ultra, GeForce FX 5500, GeForce FX 5600, GeForce FX 5600 Ultra, GeForce FX 5600SE, GeForce FX 5600XT, GeForce FX 5700, GeForce FX 5700VE, GeForce FX 5700 Ultra, GeForce FX 5700LE, GeForce FX 5800, GeForce FX 5800 Ultra, GeForce FX 5900, GeForce FX 5900 Ultra, GeForce FX 5900XT, GeForce FX 5900ZT, GeForce FX 5950 Ultra, GeForce PCX 5300, GeForce PCX 5750, GeForce PCX 5900, GeForce 6100 nForce 400, GeForce 6100 nForce 405, GeForce 6100 nForce 420, GeForce 6100, GeForce 6150 LE, GeForce 6150, GeForce 6200, GeForce 6200 LE, GeForce 6200 with TurboCache, GeForce 6200SE with TurboCache, GeForce 6500, GeForce 6600, GeForce 6600 LE, GeForce 6600 VE, GeForce 6600 GT, GeForce 6610 XL, GeForce 6700 XL, GeForce 6800, GeForce 6800 LE, GeForce 6800 XE, GeForce 6800 XT, GeForce 6800 GS, GeForce 6800 GT, GeForce 6800 Ultra, GeForce 6800 Ultra, GeForce 7100 GS, GeForce 7300 LE, GeForce 7300 SE, GeForce 7300 GS, GeForce 7300 GT, GeForce 7500 LE, GeForce 7600 GS, GeForce 7600 GT, GeForce 7800 GS, GeForce 7800 GT, GeForce 7800 GTX, GeForce 7800 GTX 512, GeForce 7900 GS, GeForce 7900 GTO, GeForce 7900 GT, GeForce 7900 GTX, GeForce 7950 GX2, Quadro2 MXR, Quadro DCC, Quadro4 200 NVS, Quadro4 400 NVS, Quadro4 380 XGL, Quadro4 500 XGL, Quadro4 550 XGL, Quadro4 580 XGL, Quadro4 700 XGL, Quadro4 750 XGL, Quadro4 780 XGL, Quadro4 900 XGL, Quadro4 980 XGL, Quadro FX 330, Quadro FX 350, Quadro FX 500, Quadro FX 540, Quadro FX 550, Quadro FX 560, Quadro FX 600, Quadro FX 700, Quadro FX 1000, Quadro FX 1100, Quadro FX 1300, Quadro FX 1400, Quadro FX 1500, Quadro FX 2000, Quadro FX 3000, Quadro FX 3000G, Quadro FX 3400, Quadro FX 3450, Quadro FX 3500, Quadro FX 4000 SDI, Quadro FX 4400, Quadro FX 4400G, Quadro FX 4500, Quadro FX 4500 SDI, Quadro FX 4500 X2, Quadro FX 5500, Quadro FX 5500 SDI, Quadro NVS, Quadro NVS with AGP8X, Quadro NVS 200, Quadro NVS 210s, Quadro NVS 280, Quadro NVS 280 SD, Quadro NVS 400, Quadro NVS 440, Quadro NVS 280 PCI, Quadro NVS 285.
My friend's computer also restarts by itself. Its so weird becuase its random, sometimes in-game, one time when watching YouTube videos, and this other time it restarted right after the POST. There is no stop error, no nothing.

I'm begining to think its maybe a faulty power supply, but without a spare one to try, I don't know how to go about testing it.
It could be that the powersupply is crappy. Look on the side and tell us the details that are in the sticker. What is it rated at for watts and tell us the 3.3v, 5v and 12v numbers to see if the rails are steady.

Other than that it could be overheating. I dont think ive seen anything on this. Are there fans in the case? Does it feel really hot? Is the fan on the vid card even moving?

If the heat seems to be fine try un plugging the power to things such as the CD drive and extra hard drives or any un needed fans to see if that gives extra power for the vid card to run. If it does then your problem is the power supply.
Well, I built my friend's computer and I used this power supply:

The rest of the computer specs are:

AMD64 X2 3800+
1GB Corsair RAM
160gb HDD
2x DVD-RW Drives

Other than that, I've tested the RAM and tempratures. Everything checks out fine. It might just be a bad power supply or something. I don't know.
Never heard of FSP group before. It could be a garbage PSU. It does have 2 different rails for the 12v which is never good. Try un plugging more stuff and see if it runs better.