Computer running at half speed - strange problem

Mr Brown

Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
Synthetic test scores:

3DMark 03: 4800-ish
3DMark 05: 1381

These are roughly half of what I should be getting.

My system:

Athlon XP 2400+ @ 2GHz
1 GB DDR PC3200 (Corsair or something)
80 GB IDE-disk which was acting a bit weird before I formatted it a couple of days ago; it was generating lots of warnings in the system log. It seems fine now however, but you never know.

And a Powercolor X800 Pro 256MB

Even my old 9800pro got better results than these!

What could it be?

Both WCPUID and CPU-Z are reporting the correct clock frequency (~1998 MHz) and ATITool and Powerstrip both report the correct values for the X800 (472/445). So it's not something simple like that.

I've also checked for hardware conflicts, and there doesn't appear to be any.

This is most annoying. Most annoying indeed.

Apparently it was an obscure driver problem that caused AGP Write to constantly revert to off. The Omega drivers took care of it.
Dammit! Scratch that edit!

The Omega drivers did significantly improve my 3DMark score, but did nothing for my in-game performance. D:

I get normal 3DMark scores but games lag to death. I just don't get it.

Hitman: Blood Money used to run well a few months ago -- now it's a slideshow.

