computer twister

ARGH! It keeps selecting the same damn finger no matter which one I click on...
*cleans monitor and makes note* don't play computer twister while eating a sticky bun.
I guess I can give this a try.
*breaks fingers*
You will pay for this Dan. :P
Danimal said:
ARGH! It keeps selecting the same damn finger no matter which one I click on...
Your clicking on the fingers? You just wait and it stops...and if it picks the same finger, move that finger, its what my friends and I did. Although moving one finger would get boring.
Twister is no fun without using full body and with a couple of girls. :(
*resizes window*


Edit - Ow ow ow OW.
...and in other news, Phil "twister" McPhoney was in court today facing 584 seperate cahrges of causing actual harm. "It was meant to be fun, I didn't expect this to end up with finger pointing" said Mr McPhoney...
Link said:
...and in other news, Phil "twister" McPhoney was in court today facing 584 seperate cahrges of causing actual harm. "It was meant to be fun, I didn't expect this to end up with finger pointing" said Mr McPhoney...

Ba doom tssssh.
*crowd groans*
Anyway, how are you meant to win against yourself anyway?
SimonomiS said:
Ba doom tssssh.
*crowd groans*
Anyway, how are you meant to win against yourself anyway?
If played with friends, at least the winner is the one with the least broken fingers ;)
fingers don't bend well enough! I got to the fourth thing before it became impossible.
i don't think my lcd screen would like me touching it
you put your finger on the screen on that color. then you click the hand again and do the same thing.
Don't tell me there are people who have never played Twister!