Condemned: Criminal Origins- scariest, sickest, most disgusting game ever


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone played this game? I have...and im telling you that its the most scariest, sickest, violent, disgusting game ever. Now dont take this wrong...these elements makes it a weird way because it makes you feel so disgusted which means the game is really feeling you meaning that its good.

The game is about you, a police investigator. You arrive at a crime scene where this girl is strangled to death and some dude has his head and arms cut-off replaced with doll arm and heads. Im not going to say more then that.

The game is very special, because unlike other games, its very very VERY interactive. You can pick any object in the world, and use it as a meele weapon. The meele fights are awesome, once you hit someone you clearly see the effects on him, while he tryes to counter can even see hes teeths fall out if you hit him correctly. If you stun someone, you can do a "finishing move" where you either

A: Grab his head and scull him (all FPS view)
B: Grab his head and bash it to something
C: Break his neck
D: A straight right hit in his face

But whats a game without shoting weapons? There are shoting weapons, but unlike other games its not a killing spree. You see, once you get a weapon (if you are lucky) you can check how many bullets there is in the clip...those bullets are all you have...nothing crates to ammo to find...nothing, because in real life, what kind of a guy would walk around hiding ammo clips anyway? Once you depleted the ammo, you can use the weapon as meele. Oh and i forgot to mention, there is no crosshair ;)

This game is scary, fear and doom...pfft, nothing. This is the real deal! I have gasped and screamed, swetted and having nervous breakdowns for quite a while now, my sister came in and asked me why i was screaming all the time.
This game is so well made, the cool thing is that most of the scares are completely A.I, i can swear that the enemys hide with purpose just to freak you out. And what i like is the FPS view, if someone hits you it will become blury and bloody and you will shake and see your own legs. If someone grabs you and tries to suficate you, you have to rumble your mouse around fast to get loose from his grip! Also, there are alot of movie effects, for example the classic black covers on the bottom and top of the screen, and also grain and such that kinda sneaks up on you in a long-term way, it kinda loads up till a climax...or "instinkts" as they are called in the game. For example, you might be walking in a hallway and slowly the view becomes black and white, you see a shadow walking into a just predicted the past...meaning that someone is in there.

In the game you also have specific tools, such as a camera, a UV light to track blood etc etc to help you solve mysteries.

Yup, played this through back when it came out for the 360, awsome game.:)
I played the demo, it was great. I would have bought the full game but I knew I wouldn't be able to play through it without crying like a girl.
It's a one trick pony, but it does that one trick very good.
Still I much rather preferred nolf and nolf2.
This is a road a lot of games are taking, simply cause if you concentrate on one thing and polish it till death, the demo makes a better impression. But in the end the game gets really monotone, just like fear.
Yeah, good thing its only graphic violence and not breasts and such! I'd hate to see it be given an AO rating...:|
GREAT game. Loved every bit of it. Well worth the money. I beat it on the 360 btw.
I completed it, the combat was fun, but that was the only thing for it, I'm not a great fan of console ports.

By the way, the guys sitting near the bodies were maniquins, not corpses.
One of the few games where I've actually had to stop playing from the level of fear I got from it. :eek:
But, being the sick bastard I am... I continued playing; lights turned off, door shut and locked, and volume cranked all the way up.
When I beat it, I left the room sweating and slightly paranoid about walking towards dark areas of the house.(being home alone while playing scary games / watching scary movies is fun.)

I love being scared tbh.
Loooooooved it. One of the few games that has truly scared the shit out of me.

Also, the final boss fight is fantastic :D
The final level and boss fight was the "funnest" bit in the game, for me. It for some reason was really fun to fight then. Perhaps it was just because I had gotten better at it, and didn't get to use my taser.


The farm house was the ****ing scariest level, ever. The basement, ohhhh my God, the basement. CREATURES KEEP CRAWLING OUT OF THE DARKNESS!! THEY KEEP GOD DAMN COMING!! I played this at a small LAN party with my cousins, they sat next to me and just watched, lights off and all... My god, we god freaked out so many times to the point of me just turning off my monitor, turning on the lights, and watching TV for a bit to cool down.

An awesome part of that level was when the riddle said you had to go in the mirror down there... and I was just like "Oh ****, we have to go back in the basement: D: D: D: I did NOT want to go back down there. My trecking around down there basically consists of running frantically through the halls for about 10 seconds, and then finding a spot where I can just corner up and watch for the monster to appear, then after he did I would run some more. It was the scariest thing I've ever done, in any game.

And then, oh God, when we got into the attic, I had been there before and knew the boss was up there, and I SWEAR he was going to come running out of the darkness from this one direction... So I'm just peering into the darkness, waiting with fright... AND THEN HE ****ING COMES FROM THE LEFT!!! I fell back in my chair, it scared me so much, we all were just eyes wide, on the floor, struggling to breathe for air, it was so shocking.

Great game.
JNightshade said:
Loooooooved it. One of the few games that has truly scared the shit out of me.

Also, the final boss fight is fantastic :D

One of the best for sure.
i was watching my roomate playing this on the 360

it scared him shatless, expecially the mall level witht he mannequins that kept appearing every time he turned around.

He was all like. "ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhh shit shit shit shhhiiitaiiiiiieeee wtf"
I thought the final boss was crap and tacked on. But the entire two levels leading up to it were awesome.
Played it for a while but got bored because it ran so slow on my PC. Scariest, sickest and most disgusting you say?

Sickest and most disgusting, I agree but it's not the scariest there is. Alien Vs Predator is the most scary game ever created :p
VictimOfScience said:
Especially if you have a high-end rig. :|

My rig isn't high-end in the least, and it runs fine on medium-low settings. :|

FX5200... 1gb ram... AMD X2 4200+...
xlucidx said:
My rig isn't high-end in the least, and it runs fine on medium-low settings. :|

FX5200... 1gb ram... AMD X2 4200+...
But still doesn't look as good as it really should unfortunately. :( The 360 version does things really well actually.
cool that so many people like it. Im at the libary now...those streetfights were awesome :D
Just played the demo, it was really a lot better than i expected and ran a lot better too.

I might buy it if I can get the cash.
Garfield_ said:
Played it for a while but got bored because it ran so slow on my PC. Scariest, sickest and most disgusting you say?

Sickest and most disgusting, I agree but it's not the scariest there is. Alien Vs Predator is the most scary game ever created :p
That may depend on how far you got in the game...