Condition Zero out?!



Hey.. why is it .. when i look at the "servers" section of steam.. there's a filter for CZ.. and there's like 4 servers playing it?! if it isn't even out yet????
can someone clue me in on this?

Devs/beta tester's playing maybe?
CZ leaked. well, in effect.. what anon stole had SOME of turtle rock studio's work, and a warez group has recently (by recently I mean in the past few days) released "czero online" by recompiling Ritual's models, sounds, sprites, and TRS' maps.

This is probably what you're seeing, as the most I ever saw before that occasion was one (internal testing, like Maxi suggested)

ok.. that makes sense.. however.. what i'm getting at.. is.. shouldn't valve be able to see these servers and see that they are on steam and shut them down.. since.. in a sense.. they are illegal? valve should be able to control this somehow if they can't .. that's just not cool ...
razorxl said:
ok.. that makes sense.. however.. what i'm getting at.. is.. shouldn't valve be able to see these servers and see that they are on steam and shut them down.. since.. in a sense.. they are illegal? valve should be able to control this somehow if they can't .. that's just not cool ...
Yeah. lol, I DLed the pack just to see what it was (the title wasn't very descriptive), the only good thing I got out of it was Ritual's scrapped player models.. past that, I would NEVER run that.

I'll buy CZ once it comes out, I'd never run a warezed product such as that online.. especially on Steam
Surely valve could ban their CD Keys right now if they wanted....
And their steam IDs...........

I hope the do to be honest.
Meh anyway, I bet they all hack on those servers :p j/k
Yeah, its kind of odd, the servers have clan names and stuff, so I don't think it's testers. I'll take a SS later.
M!6 :: Condition Zero :: \ 15/20 players \ IP:
Mod version 1.2 \ 8/14 players \ IP:
[c0w]#team.rival CZ 1.2 [T1 West] \ 14/24 players \ IP:

extra info

i got someone on one of the servers to add me to their friends list.. and i asked them what was up..

he said that there's new models.. new textures, new sounds.. that it's worth getting..

he downloaded it through a torrent.. said he wasn't sure if valve would care.. but he didn't care..

when i was exiting the conversation he was like "oh yeah.. if you do get it.. make sure you get the second patch!"

what the heck.. other people are already patching valve and TRS's software?!?!

sheesh people.. it's just a game.. wait for it to come out..

razorxl said:
i got someone on one of the servers to add me to their friends list.. and i asked them what was up..

he said that there's new models.. new textures, new sounds.. that it's worth getting..

he downloaded it through a torrent.. said he wasn't sure if valve would care.. but he didn't care..

when i was exiting the conversation he was like "oh yeah.. if you do get it.. make sure you get the second patch!"

what the heck.. other people are already patching valve and TRS's software?!?!

sheesh people.. it's just a game.. wait for it to come out..


Yes. I DLed the pack to see what it was, it's as I said above
It's not really CZ. It's just all the models, sounds, maps, textures from CZ grafted onto the original CS.

So when you play it has the same engine, same bugs etc. It's just all of the resources it's using are from CZ.
McFace said:
It's not really CZ. It's just all the models, sounds, maps, textures from CZ grafted onto the original CS.

So when you play it has the same engine, same bugs etc. It's just all of the resources it's using are from CZ.

CZ is using the same engine, and it'll have the same bugs. It is what CZ will be, online (minus the bots). Actually, even moreso, since you get the scrapped Ritual models

However, there's no single player, which is what CZ's main "draw" is.

oh well, either way, it's just what anon stole of CZ, only recompiled to work properly.