

Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
I have been hearing mixed reports that the CD verification for HL2 may be cancelled. Is this true?

Its just I read on another message board that you will be able to play the game without the need for the tinternet!

Anyway if true it will save a lot of hassle....if not then I need to upgrade my computer anyway!
The discs have already been sent out with the authentication, how can they telepathicly tell millions of cds to suddenly change, its only a tiny decryption process, even a 56k modem could handle it in a minute or two, i dont see what the problem is myself, once your authed you need never use the net again if you wished.
OK mate chill out I was only asking.........jeez theres a lot of angst on these boards!
people always rush out on the defensive when they feel insecure about something.
here people feel online auth is a stupid idea too, but defend it with their lives. they wont admit it is a dumb idea. thats why theres all this angst as you put it.
if halo 2 forced you to register on xbox live or whatever, they'd be flaming away happily at halo 2.

oh and you do need to use the net again. when you want to authenticate your game again! haha. imagine you format, how are you gonna get through the install part? its gonna ask you to go online. so there you go. not just a once off but an "every time".