Conker: Live and Reloaded: Hands-on Multiplayer


Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score

If you aren't interested in the pictures, don't like to click links, or you're just a lazy bastard... tough luck. I'm only quoting the first bit. said:
April 6, 2005 - In a strange and whimsical maneuver, surely created to throw Xbox game journalists for a loop, Microsoft sent us a playable preview build of Conker: Live and Reloaded with few restrictions upon its delivery. We opened the package, thinking it was something boring, and we looked at the preview build in awe. What's this? A Rare game? What are we supposed to do with it? Immediately we phoned Microsoft to ask what mistake was made. "Did you realize we just got a playable preview of Conker: Live and Reloaded? What's that you say? We can play it? We can take screenshots of it? Hog wild? Have at it? Go nuts?"

The fanboy is me screamed in joy. I giggle like a drunk squirrel. I threw away everything else I had going for the day to play it. And how happy I am indeed. After seeing and playing the online version at E3 nearly one year ago, and after playing the nards out of the single-disc demo, Conker is in our hands . . .
Finaly, another Coneker!
Hope it gets to GC and/or PS2.
WhiteZero said:
Finaly, another Coneker!
Hope it gets to GC and/or PS2.

definatly wont happen, I think they have a deal with MS atm, I now definatley not with GC anyway
I wish they'd make a sequel or something. I'm gonna have a blast with the remade SP and new MP now though.
I now definatley not with GC anyway
You know that? How so? Proof? Considering RARE used to be all about Nintendo, I dont see why not.

And how offten do MS "exclusives" actually not get ported over? Halo and Fable anyone?
WhiteZero said:
You know that? How so? Proof? Considering RARE used to be all about Nintendo, I dont see why not.

And how offten do MS "exclusives" actually not get ported over? Halo and Fable anyone?

Rare is owned by MS now I believe, is that proof enough? There isn't a chance in hell it will be released for PS2 or GC, but PC is a slight possibility.
WhiteZero said:
You know that? How so? Proof? Considering RARE used to be all about Nintendo, I dont see why not.

And how offten do MS "exclusives" actually not get ported over? Halo and Fable anyone?

1. those are PC ports, microsoft has a little to do with the PC market as well remember

2. notice the bottom left corner, Rare is a property of Microsoft Game Studios aka Microsoft

Welcome to the online home of Rare, developer of some games you may have heard of including the Banjo series, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day. A part of Microsoft Game Studios since 2002, we've spent our time since then having a good old tinker with the Xbox and its successor, and we've only just begun to show you the fruits of our labour.

unless I just jumped into a worm hole into an alternate universe Microsoft isin't very interested in makeing games for Sony or Nintendo. It didn't even ake any real searching, it's common sense :upstare:

Case and point, do some research before you attack someones post please.
microsoft has a little to do with the PC market as well remember
If it's their property, then they have full controll over where their game gose.
WhiteZero said:
If it's their property, then they have full controll over where their game gose.

What does this have to do with the GC/PS2 port you claimed might be possible before?
babyheadcrab said:
What does this have to do with the GC/PS2 port you claimed might be possible before?
It has to do with that fact that MS could, if they so chose, port it over to whatever they want to. In fact, cross-platforming Conker would be the best route. No one is going the buy an X-Box just for Conker, so why bother making it exclisive (also that apparently they've stoped manufacturing X-Boxes). So they'd make quite a bit more profit from going cross-platform.

Only makes sence, they'd be cheating themselves if they didn't.

But yeah, it's perfectly possible that they wont do anything of the sort either.
WhiteZero said:
It has to do with that fact that MS could, if they so chose, port it over to whatever they want to. In fact, cross-platforming Conker would be the best route. No one is going the buy an X-Box just for Conker, so why bother making it exclisive (also that apparently they've stoped manufacturing X-Boxes). So they'd make quite a bit more profit from going cross-platform.

Only makes sence, they'd be cheating themselves if they didn't.

But yeah, it's perfectly possible that they wont do anything of the sort either.

has Microsoft studios ever published anything for PS2/GC? It just seems like it would never happen when they are trying to promote there hardware... and where the hell did you here they stopped makeing x-boxes :O source plz? theres no way.. theres still a huge market for them, Halo 2 just came out relatively recently and it's the best selling game...ever almost (for most sales within launch) I mean you could be right but that would shock me :o
Does this mean there's a chance that Mech Assault 1 / 2 and this game, will make it to the PC some time in the far future?