Connecting to HL2 irc

Dec 14, 2004
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Ok now I was able to connect to the irc through mirc but it has a usage limit, like 30 days or somthing which didn't really appeal to me, so I just recently downloaded trillian 3 basic and it has an irc function. Does anyone use trillian for's chat, if so please help me set it up, im really just not sure where to type what... basically a step by step procedure of what to do would be extremely helpful. Ok thanks.:)
I tried with trillian, I keep on getting a "register first" error. Also this error: Cannot join channel, you must be authed to join (+r)

What I did:
1. Go into preferences and "Identities and Connections"
2. Click "Add a new connection..." and select IRC
3. Type in a name for the connection.
4. Click the "..." button to find the server.
5. Find Quakenet in the list and double click it.
6. Select "Quakenet: Random Server" and click OK
7. Type in an alias to use
8. Click the "Change..." button.
9. In the "Perform Buffer" area, check the checkbox and enter the following text into the text box:
/join #halflife2
10. Click "Save Settings"
11. Click "Connect".

This SHOULD connect you to the server and automatically join the channel for you. It didn't work for me though, as I stated above.

EDIT: Okay, you have register. Instruction are on this page:
EDIT2: Okay, I'm registered, auth'd, but now it says "Cannot send to channel"...
EDIT3: Okay, looks like I need an op to set me to +v.