Connection lost


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone else experienced this lately? I'm wondering if its my Inet connection or just the bf2 servers/master server. its happened about 3 times in the last 5 hours. no one else is using the connection, and I still have my same IP, so it would seem its not my side. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
yea, i like how they blame the problem on YOUR connection...that's funny...
I just made a thread about it, I don't get how I have no lag, 60 fps and a 40 ping, then I just get dropped from the game (If I'm plugged into my router or not, same thing)
oh good, at least im not the only one. yeah, my ping is great, framerate is good. maybe some EA server admins have a 'connection lost' button next to each player and randomly press it.
Yes I've had some of this, and also when you try to join a certain IP, sometimes will come up with the "check your internet connection" error, which is bs, since I enter the server a few minutes later, they got some major bugs to work out on the server ingame browser. But the game itself, it is very good, I've only had 2 or 3 random crashes since wednesday.