Conservpedia statistics


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Prepare to laugh your fucking asses off!

1. Main Page‎ [1,932,354]
2. Homosexuality‎ [1,623,916]
3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis‎ [518,019]
4. Homosexuality and Parasites‎ [432,554]
5. Homosexuality and Promiscuity‎ [422,092]
6. Gay Bowel Syndrome‎ [401,072]
7. Homosexual Couples and Domestic Violence‎ [373,935]
8. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea‎ [332,069]
9. Homosexuality and Anal Cancer‎ [294,334]
10. Homosexuality and Mental Health‎ [293,683]
That site is so full of shit it could rival a diaper landfill.
actually this isnt all that funny considering it sounds like the people viewing these pages were most likely trying to justify their homophobia
"I seen sum fax aboot gayz on de interwebz."

Conservative America... God, I really hate my conservative friends a lot.
"I seen sum fax aboot gayz on de interwebz."

Conservative America... God, I really hate my conservative friends a lot.

QFT I have a neighbor who is super conservative, damn hes annoying. According to him god sends his friends checks in the mail. har har.
Btw if you look at the "sources" they have for some of this stuff it goes back to "family focus" which is a christian right wing group and so on..ahh shit I hope I didnt just start a religious debate :|.

EDIT: who can spot the lack of logic in this one:
"regards to homosexuality and smoking, the recent medical literature states the homosexual men and lesbians in the United States have significantly higher rates of cigarrete smoking than heterosexuals"
QFT I have a neighbor who is super conservative, damn hes annoying. According to him god sends his friends checks in the mail. har har.
Btw if you look at the "sources" they have for some of this stuff it goes back to "family focus" which is a christian right wing group and so on..ahh shit I hope I didnt just start a religious debate :|.

EDIT: who can spot the lack of logic in this one:
"regards to homosexuality and smoking, the recent medical literature states the homosexual men and lesbians in the United States have significantly higher rates of cigarrete smoking than heterosexuals"

I can see it! Clearly homosexuals like sucking on things shaped like shafts! Thus they are cigarette smokers!
Then...why are you friends with them?
They're friends with the group. Back from like second grade when we were all so much more innocent. They've mellowed out a lot. We just avoid the subject of homosexuality and religion. There's only one or two anyway. A true-to-the-bone homophobe couldn't survive in my circle of friends. We're.. not prudes. Jokes go.. too far.
Same statistics for Wikipedia (in November):
1. Main Page
2. Wiki
3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
4. Naruto
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
6. United States
7. Wikipedia
8. Deaths in 2007
9. Heroes (TV series)
10. Transformers (film)

EDIT: LOL at the kangaroo article:
Consistent with their view that the fossil record as a whole does not support the evolutionary position[3][4], creationists state that there is a lack of transitional fossils showing an evolutionary origin of kangaroos:
The Macropod family is alleged to have evolved from either the Phalangeridae (possums) or Burramyidae (pygmy-possums)...
However, there are no fossils of animals which appear to be intermediate between possums and kangaroos. Wabularoo naughtoni, supposed ancestor of all the macropods, was clearly a kangaroo (it greatly resembles the potoroos which dwell in Victoria’s forests). If modern kangaroos really did come from it, all this shows is the same as we see happening today, namely that kangaroos come from kangaroos, "after their kind." [5]

According to the origins theory model used by young earth creation scientists, modern kangaroos are the descendants of the two founding members of the modern kangaroo baramin that were taken aboard Noah's Ark prior to the Great Flood. It has not yet been determined by baraminologists whether kangaroos form a holobaramin with the wallaby, tree-kangaroo, wallaroo, pademelon and quokka, or if all these species are in fact apobaraminic or polybaraminic.

After the Flood, these kangaroos bred from the Ark passengers migrated to Australia. There is debate whether this migration happened over land[6] with lower sea levels during the post-flood ice age, or before the supercontinent of Pangea broke apart[7] The idea that God simply generated kangaroos into existence there is considered by most creation researchers to be contra-Biblical.

Other views on kangaroo origins include the belief of some Australian Aborigines that kangaroos were sung into existence by their ancestors during the "Dreamtime" [8] and the evolutionary view that kangaroos and the other marsupials evolved from a common marsupial ancestor which lived hundreds of millions of years ago.[9]

A majority of biologists regard evolution as the most likely explanation for the origin of species including the kangaroo, but this is to be expected, given their worldviews. For example, approximately 45% of American scientists do not believe there is a God,[10] and 93% of the scientists who were members of the United States National Academy of Sciences do not believe there is a God.[11] Futhermore, since World War II a majority of the most prominent and vocal defenders of the evolutionary position which employs methodological naturalism have been atheists.[12][13]
I find it hard to laugh at this website becuase it's dead serious. The American social conservative scares the hell out of me.
I can see it! Clearly homosexuals like sucking on things shaped like shafts! Thus they are cigarette smokers!
Sometimes a cigar is not a cigar. :smoking: Anyways that noah's ark made me lol. Jesus people actually believe that happened? Its a parable come on...
Homosexuality is "sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex."[1] Homosexuality has a number of causal factors that influence its ultimate origination in individuals which will be addressed shortly. In addition, homosexuality has a variety of negative effects on individuals and society at large which will be subsequently elaborated on. Next, some of the historical events, religious matters, and legal matters relating to homosexuality will also be covered.
I cannot believe anybody is willfully that ignorant.

Unfortunately it's true...