Console Problem


May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry for posting in here, but in the Help-forum only one person replied (and unfortunatly it didn't help).

I can't bring up the console, even though I've selected it in the Advanced Options, and pressed "Apply".

In HL1 I (and all of the players in Sweden) pressed the §-button to bring up the console (located directly under Esc, where you probably have the ~-key), but this doesn't work anymore.
I've tried all the keys, and it's not one of the others either.
In HL1 I had to start the game as "C:/Games/Valve/Hl.exe +console" to use the console, but I can't do it in HL2 (and because of the advanced options I don't think it's meant to start it like this, am I right?)

Do anyone have the same problem?

And if any swede reads this, how do you bring up the console?
Strange. It should always be the key under Esc.
I use ¬`¦ key because I am Irish.Tá Éire an-mhaith ar fad! Ha ha most of you don't know what that means
Hehe, you're right, I don't have a clue what that means=).

And yeah, as far as I know it should always be that key.
try putting the command
bind § toggleconsole

into the config.cfg file