Conspiracey #1.. Teh.!!1111


Nov 8, 2003
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The Largest conspiracey ever.

The Illuminati was created back in the 17th Century,a congrigation of Freemason's who vowed to try and solve the world's problem's and suggest their solution's to the church's and leading people of the time.

However they became unpopular fast, and were driven underground, into secrecey.

The Illuminati wasnt heard of again, but no one knows where they went, did it survive generations?, centuries even, do they exist to this present day?.

Some people think so, and it is very intresting.

Order of the Illuminati

The very Dollar Bill you carry has a subliminal seal.

Information Awarness Office Paranoid.

N.W.O and Global governance

Skull and Bones (chapter of the Illuminati)

Yale's Fernterneties. Sororities and societies

How the CIA created Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush and John Kerry, and other past American President's envolvement in Skull and Bones, and the big '?' that sits over it all is driving people to infiltrate and find the truth. :O
clarky you're a conspiracy nut! :D

intersting links. good reading material for a lazy sunday afternoon. said:
A unique and dangerous element was it's scientific use of the drug, hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind--derived directly through the Knights Templar's association with the Order of the Assassins (circa 1050 AD).

there's one for you anti-drug nuts :P the secret rulers of the world do it too! :farmer:
The Illuminati don't exist. I've asked them. They said "No, sir, we do not exist. That's all just conspiracy theories".
Woo, that's too much conspiracy for one single thread! :O

Good stuff :)
The symbol of the eye ontop of the pyramid on the Dollar bill has the Latin writings Novus Ordo Seclorum

as translated below.

“Novus Ordo Seclorum altered from Magnus Soeclorum Ordo, a mighty order of the ages born anew. Both the prophetic Virgin and Saturnian kingdoms now return. Now a new progeny is let down from the heavens. Favor, chaste Lucina, the boy soon to be born in whom the iron age shall come to an end, and the golden one shall arise again in the whole earth.”

Perhaps the most shocking realisation,.. as, its right under your nose!

and for hundred's of years the Illuminati used the symbol as a symbol of power, So as always they believe that they gain power by giving out their symbol to the Peoples, but if you dont know anything about Latin or the subliminal meaning it passes unoticed

It is said the people who do not notice, are the tools of the Illuminati, as they obey without question.
Youve been watching that rubbish Conspiracies show on Sky One haven't you Clarky? :P
Portugal still makes coins with Templar Knights simbolism.
KagePrototype said:
Youve been watching that rubbish Conspiracies show on Sky One haven't you Clarky? :P

maybe :E , but I just found this amazing, with a few fact's here and there that make enough sense (and I dont know much yet), Bush and Kerry being Bones men, not being able to utter a word about it,

One of the Illuminati's chapter's is called Skull and Bones

its just weird.
Ah yes, the Illuminati. One of the favorites of all conspiracy theorists.
some abstract stuff, history we never knew about?

Made in the USA
According to Ahmed Rashid, a correspondent for the Far Eastern Economic Review, in 1986 CIA chief William Casey committed CIA support to a long-standing ISI proposal to recruit from around the world to join the Afghan jihad. At least 100,000 Islamic militants flocked to Pakistan between 1982 and 1992 (some 60,000 attended fundamentalist schools in Pakistan without necessarily taking part in the fighting).

John Cooley, a former journalist with the US ABC television network and author of Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism, has revealed that Muslims recruited in the US for the mujaheddin were sent to Camp Peary, the CIA's spy training camp in Virginia, where young Afghans, Arabs from Egypt and Jordan, and even some African-American “black Muslims” were taught “sabotage skills”.

The Independent also suggested that Shiekh Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian religious leader also jailed for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, was also part of Operation Cyclone. He entered the US in 1990 with the CIA's approval. A confidential CIA report concluded that the agency was “partly culpable” for the 1993 World Trade Center blast, the Independent reported.

These “operatives” were recruited at the al Kifah Refugee Centre in Brooklyn, New York, given paramilitary training in the New York area and then sent to Afghanistan with US assistance to join Hekmatyar's forces. Mohammed was a member of the US army's elite Green Berets
In actual fact the beliefs that the illuminati are based on go back long before the 17th century - they have ties with the ancient egyptians ... and I think it's freaky how that pyramid with the eye manages to appear in corporate logos and on dollar notes with no explanation.

Freemasons are a weird breed too, although the unknown is always scary, the outsiders always expect the worst. I for one welcome these new underground leaders.

All hail the new world order. Please don't kill me, I can learn the secret handshake!
All hail the new world order. Please don't kill me, I can learn the secret handshake!

well aslong as you realise that over the years they used corrupt means to obtain what they want for the future, and they only value their Elite person's (people with lots of money and influence) as equal's.

as the Pyramid represent's they (the eye), us (the lower part of the pyramid) are thought as seperate. It's a dictatorship on the horizon, and Im not into that Hitler's second coming shit :P, because if its true, that's what it'll be like. We wont have a say, moral's and human rights go out of the window, and if we step out of line, even for moral reason's you get in a whole world of trouble.

another intresting site. For the people

and NORAD lied
Sprafa said:
Maybe SÄPO is just one of their minions, along with the NSA....

I'm thinking it's just the opposite.
Illuminati is a minion of SÄPO!
seinfeldrules said:
I see someone has been reading the Da Vinci code.

Some people are a lot smarter than that, and actually take their own conclusions.
Some people are a lot smarter than that, and actually take their own conclusions.

I never said whether I agreed or disagreed with this, but this whole notion is the center of the book (which is very good I might add). Quit jumping to conclusions.
clarky003 said:
One of the Illuminati's chapter's is called Skull and Bones

its just weird.
I read up on alot of these conspiracy type of groups before and as I recall the name "Skull and Bones" aren't as weird as you might think. I believe Skull and Bones were the names of two guys that created or assisted in creating the group.

Also anyone who is interested in where all of these groups started just look into the freemasons, for anyone interested in where the freemasons came from look into the Knights Templar. Seriously the history of the knights templar is actually really interesting, and basically all of it is historical fact or legitimate speculation.
we have a secretive group of free masons that live in the small town I'm from. They use an old building and hold meetings every month. There is some weird writing and symbolism on the doors and windows are all blacked out. No one is allowed to go anywhere near there... I do know of some of the people who go to these meetings though, they consist of area church leaders, mayors, policemen, and the more "well to do" in the community. It kind of creeps me out, some friends of mine who used to work in a building next door said that during some of the meetings (after hours, like around midnight or later) when they'd stay to close and clean up they would hear very strange (maybe latin?) verses, and other weird noises coming from there.

None of the members ever talk about the group. I've asked one of the policemans daughters if she knew anything about it and she just said she wasn't allowed to talk about that stuff, and that she really didn't know what they did there.

Kind odd I say, especially when you consider just how small this town is, (just a couple thousand people in all). And if they are somehow related to this nwo/illuminati groups, I wonder just how widespread these orders are.
Innervision961 said:
we have a secretive group of free masons that live in the small town I'm from. They use an old building and hold meetings every month. There is some weird writing and symbolism on the doors and windows are all blacked out. No one is allowed to go anywhere near there... I do know of some of the people who go to these meetings though, they consist of area church leaders, mayors, policemen, and the more "well to do" in the community. It kind of creeps me out, some friends of mine who used to work in a building next door said that during some of the meetings (after hours, like around midnight or later) when they'd stay to close and clean up they would hear very strange (maybe latin?) verses, and other weird noises coming from there.

None of the members ever talk about the group. I've asked one of the policemans daughters if she knew anything about it and she just said she wasn't allowed to talk about that stuff, and that she really didn't know what they did there.

Kind odd I say, especially when you consider just how small this town is, (just a couple thousand people in all). And if they are somehow related to this nwo/illuminati groups, I wonder just how widespread these orders are.

Wish I was closer. I'd go sneak in and film them.
Innervision961 said:
we have a secretive group of free masons that live in the small town I'm from. They use an old building and hold meetings every month. There is some weird writing and symbolism on the doors and windows are all blacked out. No one is allowed to go anywhere near there... I do know of some of the people who go to these meetings though, they consist of area church leaders, mayors, policemen, and the more "well to do" in the community. It kind of creeps me out, some friends of mine who used to work in a building next door said that during some of the meetings (after hours, like around midnight or later) when they'd stay to close and clean up they would hear very strange (maybe latin?) verses, and other weird noises coming from there.

None of the members ever talk about the group. I've asked one of the policemans daughters if she knew anything about it and she just said she wasn't allowed to talk about that stuff, and that she really didn't know what they did there.

Kind odd I say, especially when you consider just how small this town is, (just a couple thousand people in all). And if they are somehow related to this nwo/illuminati groups, I wonder just how widespread these orders are.
From what I hear most Freemason groups are really just friendly social gatherings in these days, but that certainly sounds alot different.

Seriously if I was there I would do the same as Neutrino.
The Mullinator said:
From what I hear most Freemason groups are really just friendly social gatherings in these days, but that certainly sounds alot different.

Seriously if I was there I would do the same as Neutrino.

Road trip?

Well its kind of imtimidating guys, if they were to catch me what would happen to me? We are talking about cops and local government officials. They could just arrest me/ shoot me whatever and no one would ever know. I doubt they would, but I'm to lazy to run so I don't risk it. :)

(edit: btw, I can't spell worth a crap today, so please don't mind)
This is the kinda conspiricy from which all others spring.

Look at every major Conspiricy and you will probly find a connection to the Illuminati.(Did JFK piss off the Illuminati enough to warrant his death? etc.)

What pisses me off the most is that if they made their bid for power(IE. absolute power) tomorrow,there'd be little we could do but make a futile heroic stand.Didnt that show say that the Illuminati's mission is for a few hundred million servents,What'll they do with the other 3 billion or so?
clarky003 said:
if you dont know anything about Latin or the subliminal meaning it passes unoticed.

Sorry clarky, but I DO know something about Latin as I've had to read it almost exclusively in school for a couple years.

Novos Ordo Seculorum DOES NOT mean:

"Novus Ordo Seclorum altered from Magnus Soeclorum Ordo, a mighty order of the ages born anew. Both the prophetic Virgin and Saturnian kingdoms now return. Now a new progeny is let down from the heavens. Favor, chaste Lucina, the boy soon to be born in whom the iron age shall come to an end, and the golden one shall arise again in the whole earth.”
It actually translates simply to a "New Secular Order." It's just a reference to the Constitution's seperation of church and state. Nothing more.

While I generally don't give any credence to conspiracy theories, the pyramid and the eye on the dollar bill are much more troubling than "Novus Ordo Seculorm." Not to mention the owl on the bill, which is an even more ancient symbol of the occult.
clarky003 said:
It is said the people who do not notice, are the tools of the Illuminati, as they obey without question.

Oh, well thanks alot buddy :flame: :flame:
heh, first time I heard of the illumanati was in Deus Ex.

Kind of sad really
well don't you guys need to know where i live first...