Constructive things u have done with Garry's Mod


Jul 7, 2003
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Hello, I built this map were the objective is to get across the map by building something.
The map is devided into 2 sections with a large gap in the middle.

Basicly me and my friend built a bridge and i built a ramp in an attempt to jump it with the buggy and creach the other side.

Here are the materials we used:

We used the concrete barracades and rope to build our bridge, with some welding.

We began by building sections of the bridge.

This is how far we need to get.

Its further than it looks.

This is the final size of our bridge.

We had to split it in two because it was too long and it was too heavy.

this last picture is of my ramp and the Bridge is in the background. Unfortunatly one of the picecs fell and the bridge collapesed
The ramp made the buggy almost reach the other side, not it was off a yard or 2.
what does garry's mod have to do with this again?
Im intrested in using this too. Can you post a DL link?
Its hosted on my server only, sry. If someone else wants to take the time to put it up for download fell free.

Its only 900 kbs

Server: Xen-Corp
Thanks, I will go play that now. :)
Did you make it?
nice map mate, ive just dled it and ill try it out tomrorrow
You might try freezing something in midair, roping the buggy onto it, and swinging the buggy back and forth. Then, if you delete the rope at the right moment you could fling yourself pretty far I think.
Ummm, the links are all down, I wana see the bridge :( try to get the links back up, or post it on a better host ( ), ditto with the map
Nevermind, just a very slow load, but map link is still down

Sorry, scratch that, my isp sucked out for that moment
Here is my bridge.. can't take a car across mind:


lol possibly the worst bridge ive ever seen, it should be in the movies for the sakes of trying to cross it would be a thriller...
I really want to play some Garry's Mod MP, dammit.
It holds the weight of gordon (how do you spell his name? :p), and thats all that matters :D
Absinthe said:
I really want to play some Garry's Mod MP, dammit.
I second that. Well, until I lan with some buddies, or get a faster connection... It's time to speed run this map :devil:

Here's the video. (Sorry about the quality, I don't have any other compression programs... damn media player)
How do you spawn objects like what he used to make the bridge?
SpuD said:
How do you spawn objects like what he used to make the bridge?
In Garrysmod v5 there is a new spawn menu (hold down "q") and in there you can find just about anything that you need. :E
Man i need to get garry's mod. Link anyway :) To lazy to find it :)

EDIT: Got it :)
Dl link doesnt work, when I try to download it says the files been removed or something like that.'s working now
I've been playing this map a lot, thanks very much for it :D

On the subject of Garry's Mod, has anyone else tried balloon\ragdoll puppet shows?
Finally, something constructive (scuse the pun) comes from garrys Mod. There's only so many 'amusing pics with posed rag dolls' you can take, good job, Agent.
A while ago, i saw the luxury cruise liner thread (search it), and i wanna make something similar, a floating house with two floors and a balcony kinda thing.

Unfortunately, i keep buggering up the base made from floating barrels, they occasionally go haywire, get invisibly roped to the floor etc.

so if anyone could offer some tips on the best way to attach the damn barrels together it would be much appreciated. I plan on making the base about 6/8 widths by 5/6 lengths.
I believe this is the right thread to ask this;

What mod (That goes hand in hand with Garry's) do you use that enables you to rotate things while holding them with the manipulator? It enables a lot easier building, though I don't have this ...

So, anyone have a link or at least a working name? Appriciate it :)
in garrys mod 5 the blue grav guns can rotat when you hold down "e" (i think, it might be "r")
just hold down e and move the mouse at same time!
Yeah, but after you rotate it, you can't really do anything with it, since as soon as you let it wont stay in the position which you twisted it. I really done see why Garry didnt put the rotation feature on the physgun instead of the gravgun, so you can actually freeze stuff in place after rotating it.