Consule information

  • Thread starter Thread starter InSAne CloWn
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InSAne CloWn

Hey folks
When compiling my level I receive 50 or 60 of the following in RED type on the compile screen.
"Couldn't find texture maps/My Map Name/c-g-420-352
material/maps/My Map Name/c-6-802--352.VTF: Can't be found on disk"
Like I said there must be 50 to 60 of these all with different numbers. I'm only using maybe 12 textures in my hole level. Is this a problem ? Is there a way to make them go away?

Any help please. Thanks InsaNE CloWn
Nope not buildcubemaps. It appeares to do with just the textures Maybe it's the textures on the enities I have no clue. Anyone else?
InsANe CloWn
You could try to validate your cache to make sure you got all the files
steam://validate/220 (HL2)
steam://validate/240 (CS Source)
steam://validate/280 (HL Source (Should not be necessary))

Hum wait... you said when you are compiling?! And not when you play the map? Wierd... Can you post the compile log then?
Correction on the previous post

Sorry the text does not appear on the compile screen but the consule screen once the level has compiled. The ones you see below appear in RED type. This is only about half of them. Has anyone come accross this before?
I can't believe I'm the only one. Any thoughts?
Thanks InsaNe

materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c1102_-877_-594.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c1102_-877_-594
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c254_-972_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c254_-972_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c1178_-879_-614.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c1178_-879_-614
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c28_-471_-637.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c28_-471_-637
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c751_-941_-510.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c751_-941_-510
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-485_-972_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-485_-972_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-485_-620_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-485_-620_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-485_370_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-485_370_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-485_84_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-485_84_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-484_-272_-632.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-484_-272_-632
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-136_370_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c-136_370_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c219_370_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c219_370_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c605_370_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c605_370_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c606_-64_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c606_-64_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c825_-64_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c825_-64_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c1051_-64_-633.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c1051_-64_-633
"materials/maps/dm_brickhouse82/c104_-1094_-620.vtf": can't be found on disk
Couldn't find texture maps/dm_brickhouse82/c104_-1[/COLOR][/COLOR]
They appear to be textures for HL2DM so my question is: is your map for HL2DM? If not then you'd have to copy those textures from the HL2DM gcf to the directory of the actual game you want to play your map. Another trick to ensure you use the textures for the right game is to select the good game in the drop down combo list whjen you open the SDK (at the bottom of that pannel you'll see Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 Deathmatch etc....). This way, only the textures that are used in that game will be displayed in Hammer.

Finally if you really chose HL2DM in the dropdown combo of the SDK pannel, and you mapped for HL2DM, and you tested your map for HL2DM and you validated your cache files like I said in my previous post, I have no idea what could be wrong....
They're custom textures, aren't they?

I don't recall there being a "DM_Brickhouse" folder anywhere in the GCFs.

Solution: Use official textures.

-Angry Lawyer
Thanks guys
The map is a Half Life Deathmatch map using the standard textures that you select with-in Hammer. DM_Brickhouse is the name of my map. Sorry but I'm a bit of a newbe on the commands. Can you tell how to validated the cache files that you mentioned? My map is a bit complex but it compiles fast and I think plays well. Perhaps if you have some time I could send it to you and you can see for yourself? Please let me know what you think. I appreciate the help. Insane. By-The-Way If you are willing to take a look, how do I attach the file to a post?
To validate the cache, open internet explorer and put one of those lines in the address bar, then press enter.


Each line corresponds to one game, so if you own all those game you should validate them all. 220 = HL2, 240 = CS Source etc...