Consuming kids (documentary)

That title is a total teaser that doesn't deliver. Now I am hungry.
Meh, the information in this video is so obvious. Any parent that isn't aware of such things is a moron.

I rolled my eyes at "corporations try to make the parents miserable" and show a kid throwing a tantrum. They're miserable because they suck at raising kids.
Meh, the information in this video is so obvious. Any parent that isn't aware of such things is a moron.

I rolled my eyes at "corporations try to make the parents miserable" and show a kid throwing a tantrum. They're miserable because they suck at raising kids.

Yeah...but they did have a point that corporations target kids 24/7, especially when parents don't have control.
When i was at school usually the neglected, rich bully dictated what fads were in.
My economics teacher said he doesn't let his kids watch tv, only buys dvds. All because of the shit they show on tv. My brother, now 11 is like me in that he never bought into that shit at all. Some kids are just really ****ing stupid and are susceptible to this shit, and parents who have absolutely no control over them doesn't help.
My economics teacher said he doesn't let his kids watch tv, only buys dvds. All because of the shit they show on tv. My brother, now 11 is like me in that he never bought into that shit at all. Some kids are just really ****ing stupid and are susceptible to this shit, and parents who have absolutely no control over them doesn't help.

So your position is that regulating can help?
Won't someone please think of the children!?!?!

What a load of bull.

You must realize that documentaries like these are themselves pieces of marketing. They are playing on your innate sense of protection and caring for children in order to get you riled up about corporate advertising to children. Advertisers are not harming your children. Your children are in no danger from advertisements. You are in control of what your children buy, as you are the one with the money. If you feel a product is harmful or wasteful, don't buy it for your child. It isn't the role of the government to decide how your children are marketed to, nor does the corporation have the power to force you to buy something -- it is ultimately your role to decide what, and how much, your children consume.

I do have some issues with marketing and advertising in publicly funded schools, however.
Yeah but there's is also a social factor, where kids get left out if they don't join on the fad. Which is good in a way, but not for the kid in the time and place.

But i really don't know how is the situation today in schools.
Yeah but there's is also a social factor, where kids get left out if they don't join on the fad. Which is good in a way, but not for the kid in the time and place.

But i really don't know how is the situation today in schools.

Not being in 'the' fad was the worst, the only one I remember was digimon. Everyone had one of those things and even though I didn't really want one it was all everyone did or talked about. In that sense advertising has an extremely strong influence over what rubbish children have. The whole idea of the fad shows how strong the marketing influence can be and after they get bored of whatever they have bought kids end up playing down-ball again.

I don't think the area should be regulated by the government but children should not be taught to get the same crap as everyone else then when they're sick of it to throw it away. It creates an incredibly wasteful society.
This video is bullshit for all the previously-stated reasons.
what about parents telling theyr kids that there is no money so they should shut up?

thats why I like to play whit clay,you can imitate all the toys of the tv!
I was disappointed when this wasn't a documentary about eating children as well.
I probably wouldn't let my children watch TV, God knows it's only going to get worse by the time that comes.
I wouldn't let my kids watch some television. Pretty much any reality tv show would be banned, because they display nothing but irresponsible behaviors by spoiled pieces of shits. I'd let them watch cartoons and decent, at least semi-thought provoking shows though. I'd also let them watch news channels, if they were so inclined, and I'd make sure to be around when Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck are on so I can teach my kids why those two are huge assholes who are wrong about practically everything.