Controller Wars! X360 vs. PS2

Which controller do you think is better?

  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 44 66.7%
  • PS2

    Votes: 22 33.3%

  • Total voters


Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
So which controller do you think is better? I"m assuming that the some of you have already had a chance to play and xbox 360 and can comment on how the controller actually feels in your hands. For those that haven't, just pick which controller you think is better.

I'm not including the Revolution controller because there's nobody that has used one, and it's just so different that it wouldn't fit.

Here are my thoughts. As of right now, the ps2 controller is the best controller out there. The xbox controller-s comes in at a very close second with the only drawback being the black and white buttons. IMO, the Gamecube controller is crap. Another thing to take into consideration are the types of games that these controllers will be utilized for.

The ps2 controller is awesome for fighting games, rpg, sports, racing, and patform/adventure games. However, the joystick placement makes the ps2 controller crap for first person shooters. This is where the xbox controller-s excels. The placement of the joysticks are comfortable and the pressure sensitive trigger buttons are perfect for shooting an enemy in the head. It's also great for driving games...

Now with the x360 controller, the black and white buttons are gone and have been replaced by two digital buttons above the two trigger buttons. The design of the controller is comfortable and fits well in my hand, and the buttons aren't too far from reach. IMO, the x360 controller is better than the ps2 controller because it offers the same button placement as the ps2 with the main differences being the placement of the joysticks and the trigger buttons. However, there is one downside that I noticed while using the x360 controller. I noticed that the controller itself was too light. Gone from the controller is the solid weight that the xbox controller-s had. The x360's controller feels like it was made from cheap plastic(which it probably was considering it IS made of plastic), but you know what I mean. Probably the one thing that made the xbox controller so good was the fact that it felt solid to hold.

Okay! Enough of my rambling! Tell me what you guys think!!! :thumbs:

edit: my vote goes to the xbox 360
Aye, XBOX 360 controller has a good feel to it. Very comfortable to use, and seem perfect for fighting/action games. It's a shame the lining in my pockets is so thin, or else I would get one ASAP. Ah well, it will be a while until Ninja Gaiden 2 comes out anyways.
Based on looks alone I would say the 360 without any contest. Based on actual gameplay however I don't think many people have played enough using either controller to come up with a definite answer. Personally I think this thread is a little too early.
I have no problem with the joysticks for the PS2, except that they are too stiff. I like the thumbstick on that N64 controller.
Why a current-gen's controller against a next-gen's?
If you haven't touched an x360 controller yet, just stop by your local Wal-Mart! They have the COD2 demo (playable) in HD widescreen

The X360 controller is really good, nice decision on ms part to put menu buttons as triggers. But as the original poster noticed, it felt all cheap. I like the Logitech wireless controllers for xbox anyway tho.
Qonfused said:
Why a current-gen's controller against a next-gen's?

as much as you people like to compare things which aren't really in the public (ie, ps3 controller) someone has finally made a logical thread.
Qonfused said:
Why a current-gen's controller against a next-gen's?

Because I'm assuming that Sony isn't going to use that "double-dong" controller prototype that they had revealed with the PS3. I think that the PS3 controller will be similar or the same as the PS2.
Xbox 360

Just because it works with pc.
Oh yeah. I had forgotten that MS is making the x360's controller compatible with the pc...
I'm assuming that Sony isn't going to use that "double-dong" controller prototype that they had revealed with the PS3. I think that the PS3 controller will be similar or the same as the PS2.
I'm pretty sure sony will sell the boomerang/sex toy style controller with the PS3...of course it'd be nice to have a PS2-style controller available for it as well.
Yeah, I really want to give it a spin. And as to your bashings of the GC controller... I'd have to disagree. It's unbelievably comfortable, and very intuitive. Aside from the looks, it's awesome.
ps2 fo sho cuz like you can throw that shit and pwn noobs with it and it will come back all boomarang like ready to pwn more noobs
The PS2 controllers were really just the dual shock PS1 controllers with analog buttons.

Its a good controller, but i like the xbox1 controller much better. the Variable trigger buttons and the analog sticks are really high quality. I prefer the placement of the back (select) and start buttons on the xbox--you can easily reach them with your left thumb. where the PS2 start button is way out in nowhere.
the PS2 controll is a little uncomfortable and the shoulder buttons feel cheap. also like someone said you have to reach down for the sticks, it feels a little awkward. Its still a good controller, compared to the dreamcast controller its much better, but it can't come close to Xbox360 controller imo

The 360 control is said to be the best controller ever made, and i would expect no less. I like the new button to go to the xbox360 main menu at anytime and the light that shows what player you are. great for multiplayer games (is this controller number 4?) look down. yep.
I can't do the Xbox 360 controller. I will always revert back to the good ol' PSX controller. Those things are so comfy.
I have to say, people's opinions of controllers generally depend on how often you play with them, people that only play ps2's seem to love the ps2 controller and say the rest are awkward/crap and vice versa for gamecube and xbox. I found it awkward getting used to the ps2 controller after only having played with a gamecube one before, but i don't put that down to the gamecube one being better.
^ i love dreamcast/gamecube and i only really play xbox/ps2 ;D

also, things like people with unusually large hands may ruin polls and the like.
Septih said:
I have to say, people's opinions of controllers generally depend on how often you play with them, people that only play ps2's seem to love the ps2 controller and say the rest are awkward/crap and vice versa for gamecube and xbox. I found it awkward getting used to the ps2 controller after only having played with a gamecube one before, but i don't put that down to the gamecube one being better.

Very true.

I use all of these pads regularly, and the pad I like the least of the dual shock. It's less sensitive than the controller-s and GC pad and I don't find it to be that comfy (certainly not compared to the GC pad) It's still a very decent pad, and a must for PES.

The 360 pad seems to fix everything that was wrong with the controller-s (stupid black and white button placement) and I have little doubt that it will poo all over the dual shock. However, If Nintendo fixed the z-trigger button on the GC pad, and make the analogue sticks a little less slippy (like the N64 pad) then this would poo all over the 360 pad ;)

i give my voice to ps3 ( I'd would prefer sony rather than microsoft )
Too bad the original NES controller isn't a choice here. That is easily my favorite controller of all-time. Plus it provided the basis for all future console controllers--even the Revlution's controller takes much from that original design.

However, since that isn't a choice, I must pick the PS2 contoller since I am a big fan of the symetry its design provides. The XBox 1 controller was terrible IMHO and the 360 controller looks and feels just like a slightly smaller version of it. I don't like the button layout at all either. Still, its potential for use with the PC is interesting to me so that some of the more arcade type games I play on my PC might benefit from it at least.

Oh, and I love my Dreamcast too, but that controller is the worst ever!

....And it will be interesting to see what the final version of the PS3 controller looks like. I bet its quite different from the design shown at E3....
I would never waste a penny on an xbox or ps. My only experience with their pathetic input devices were at a friend's place or at a store. Frankly I can't stand either controller. Nothing can come close to a keyboard and mouse. If I had to choose a console controller though I'd say the N64 gamepad. In my opinion it was so much better than any controller ever made. The gamecube comes in a distant second place in my opinion. I'm hoping the Revolution input device will be high quality because I think the input devices are what is holding back gaming. Only time will tell if this is true or not.
Voted 360 by the way, since I loathe Sony's controllers and Nintendo's haven't held any of my appeal since I played an X-Box.

Don't care much for the reduction in size though. I like the big meaty old-skool X-Box controllers as opposed to the S model.
The brick controller! That thing made my hands ache something awful.

As for mouse and keyboard - they're certainly good for certain games, but also woefully poor for others. Analogue movement > keyboard movement by such a degree that even debating over which is superior is ridiculous!
Warbie said:
The brick controller! That thing made my hands ache something awful.

As for mouse and keyboard - they're certainly good for certain games, but also woefully poor for others. Analogue movement > keyboard movement by such a degree that even debating over which is superior is ridiculous!

Playing an FPS or RTS with a console controller is ridiculous. There isn't a single game I can think of that I'd prefer to play with a console controller as opposed to mouse and keyboard. The only exception would be a flying game in which I'd prefer a full fledged joystick over a console controller or mouse and keyboard.

I can't think of one game I like, where a keyboard and mouse is woefully poor. Afterall a mouse is essentially an analog input device. You have the best of both worlds right there. The thought of playing a game like Silent Hunter 3 for example with a console controller is simply laughable.

I suppose the crux of the discussion is what kind of games you like to play. I can't stand driving games, 2d side scrollers, fighting games and other types that might not completely and utterly suck with a console controller. I'll be the first to admit though that control input is one of my biggest gripes about gaming. Stagnant isn't a strong enough word to describe what's happened to innovation with regards to controllers. Hopefully that will change one day soon.
Fishlore said:
I suppose the crux of the discussion is what kind of games you like to play.

Very much so - i'm a fan of platform games, driving games, beat-em-ups, sports titles, 3d adventure etc etc. All of which are far more suited to a joypad (basically everything bar fps, rts and some inventory heavy rpgs)

I agree about a mouse being very good for rts and fps, but a keyboard is poor for controlling movement. After experiencing Mario 64 and Golden Eye, using a keyboard to move about in, say, HL2 feels like a massive step backwards.

Being forced to push a key to walk, or sprint, is just so 'clunky' and clumsy. With analogue movement you can tip toe, walk slowly, walk briskly, break into a jog, start to run, sprint full tilt, and evrything in between, all with the use of your thumb. Not only does this deliver a far more immersive experience (games like Thief, Deus Ex, Max Payne etc would all have been considerably better with analogue movement) it's also more intuitive.

This is one of the reasons i'm excited about the Revolution. If the controller delivers as promised we'll have quick and precise aiming with the 'wand' and decent movement :)
Pressure sensitive keyboards are in order. But I disagree with your assertion that the games you listed would have been considerably better.
the S-controller for the XBox is great in my opinion. It's bulky, but not too big that it's uncomftorble; in fact it's just right. It fits snugly in your hand, and weighs enough to make you feel like you're holding something satisfyingly powerful. In comparison, the PS2 controller just feels light and tacky.

Plus, the PS3 controller is like a boomerang.
Absinthe said:
Pressure sensitive keyboards are in order. But I disagree with your assertion that the games you listed would have been considerably better.
What can be done on an Xbox controller with one thumb takes up an entire hand on a keyboard and requires quite a bit of coordination between your fingers. While pressure sensitive keys are definately not a bad idea... it wouldn't totally alleviate the problems inherent in the design of a keyboard. Sure, you wouldn't need to use your pinky to control movement speed anymore with the shift key, but you would still need four of your five available fingers (three for WASD, one for Space) to do the same job... and the coordination needed to achieve the correct direction and speed would increase because you would have to press two buttons at varying intensities and proportions.

The analogue stick still remains king of 2D movement (like walking, if you take a top-down view). The only reason the PC is so much better at FPS games is because of the incredibly quick and accurate mouse. The keyboard itself is only significantly more useful in a few games/genres that require lots of buttons. RTS games fall into this category. You just can't beat having 10 hot groups for units and keyboard shortcuts for just about every action... and if you combine it with the mouse it's almost perfect. Current controllers can't even come close in RTS games... and even the Revolution controller (although it might be able to replace the mouse rather well) won't be able to match that setup in that genre because of the incredible usefulness of the keyboard. How the Revolution set-up fares against the PC in FPS games is still debateable... although, whichever side wins (hard to tell at this point without having personally tried both), it probably won't be a big enough difference to really make you want to play on one or the other.
I'm not denying that the keyboard/mouse combo is has its flaws.

I just thought the quality of those games largely superceded any control issues.
I would have voted PS2 except you said that the black/white buttons are now above the triggers. I've long-touted the ps2's Dual Shock controller as the best of the 3 current systems, but now that those stupid white and black buttons have been replaced by something infinitely more accessible and ergonomic, I'm giving the edge to 360.
OCybrManO said:
In that case, I agree.

I'm not so sure.

Try playing Mario 64 on an emulator and use a keyboard to run about - it's terrible. For any game that involves stealth, sneaking, or the need to carefully navigate through tricky terrain/narrow walkways etc analogue control adds to a great deal the immersion.

For the games I mentioned the movement isn't bad - but it certainly isn't good either. Sneaking around in Thief with full analogue control would be very cool :)
Warbie said:
For the games I mentioned the movement isn't bad - but it certainly isn't good either. Sneaking around in Thief with full analogue control would be very cool :)
For Thief, yeah... but the other two examples I'm not so sure about. They would probably improve but, as Absinthe said, the benefits would most likely be negligible. They just don't have much that would really benefit from it. As for Super Mario 64, it was Nintendo's flagship title intended to push the analogue stick (no pun intended) into mainstream acceptance and it was a platformer... so, obviously, it's going to play better on the device it was designed around.
I got my hand on the 360 controller, and wasn't blown away or anything, but it seemed perfectly useful. If you've spen any time at all with the Xbox you'll be able to run and gun out of the box.