$convcave still a working command?


Sep 20, 2003
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hey I've been trying to compile a model and it has a collision model consisting of a few convex objects so I wanted to use the $concave switch to make it a valid model...

only thing is I get this error at compile

"ERROR: bad command $concave"

I've tried using just a box to see if it's the model.. only screws up when I add the concave switch

is there a new command now?? am I using it wrong?

here's my qc

// Output .MDL
$modelname INC_ShinTree01.mdl

// Directory of .BMP
$cdmaterials models

$scale 1.0

// Base Mesh
$body "Body" "INC_ShinTree01LOD1"

// LOD Script
$lod 100
replacemodel "INC_ShinTree01LOD1.smd" "INC_ShinTree01LOD2.smd"

$lod 250
replacemodel "INC_ShinTree01LOD1.smd" "INC_ShinTree01LOD3.smd"

//Clipping model Scipt
//use if clip model is made of multilpe parts
$collisionmodel "INC_ShinTree01CLIP.smd"

// Sequences and Animations

$sequence idle "INC_ShinTree01idle" loop fps 15
Also the ShadowLOD command doesnt seem to be working....

my shadow LOD is higher because I wanted a more detailed shadow (dont care about rad compile time)

shadow is not showing up though

here's an updated qc script

// Output .MDL
$modelname INC_ShinTree01.mdl

// Directory of .BMP
$cdmaterials models

$scale 1.0

// Base Mesh
$body "Body" "INC_ShinTree01LOD1"

// LOD Script
$lod 75
replacemodel "INC_ShinTree01LOD1.smd" "INC_ShinTree01LOD2.smd"

$lod 150
replacemodel "INC_ShinTree01LOD1.smd" "INC_ShinTree01LOD3.smd"

replacemodel "INC_ShinTree01LOD1.smd" "INC_ShinTree01Shadow.smd"

//Clipping model Scipt
//use if clip model is made of multilpe parts
//$collisionmodel "INC_ShinTree01CLIP.smd"

// Sequences and Animations

$sequence idle "INC_ShinTree01idle" loop fps 15
I'm a little confused about what your trying to do with the collision/physics model. Could you perhaps show a image of it, it'd help see the problem.

The only thing I can see that may be wrong is the way you set up the collision model in the QC. You don't have brackets so that might be the problem. This is the way I do it:

$collisionmodel "wetfloorsign_phys.smd"
	$mass 7.0
	$inertia 1.00
	$damping 0.00
	$rotdamping 0.00

I don't know about the shadowlod. Never used it.
well I fixed everything...

the shadowlod I was using to try to make a more detailed lightmap shadow for the model (it's a tree so it has a lot of foliage shadows).. unfortunately it didnt seem to work (maybe only works for real-time shadows)

as for the collision, you're right, I didnt put $concave in brackets, didn't realise I was susposed to... Also all the faces in the collision model werent in the same smoothing group (didnt realise that mattered)

I'm just using a slightly detailed collision model for shadows right now....