Converting Completed....

  • Thread starter Thread starter ViceGripX
  • Start date Start date


Ok, I finally got the converting part to complete and then it deleted my old cs folder, wow actually looks like its good! So I assume now I can play the games. Clicking on lauch game......preparing to play....forever.
Ok I understand CS has to update so I tried DoD but the same thing happened.

Oh when I go into the steam folder there are only the .gcf and the game folders with nothing in them. But, my old Cs is deleted so now I have no CS anywhere! WTF, I thought it converts the old CS so u dont have to download 400mgs!!

No wonder the steam servers are crashing if you have to DL halflife retail, DoD retail, CS retail.

Do I really just have to dl everything? I can't even get the cached steam install cuz fileplanet keeps crashing the downloads. Anyone got a mirror or know what I should do?

The converter is't converting to the mods to te userfolder\half-life\modname.. BUT to a gcf file..

Steam is converting the mods to gcf files CAUSE..
now you have the .gcf files and your game dir..
when another gamer is logging on on your steam, he use the same gcf..
So he do not have de download everything again..

you can just copy the moddir from half-life into the userfolder\half-life\modname if you want to... that works as well.. but now it will not be there when another user loggs in..

EDIT: When steam is copying from gcf to your folder, it's checking the content with the content server.. this is so you could be able to get a patch...

When all the content server are overloaded like now, the convertion from gcf to user can take ages..

PS: steam never crashes.. it's just waiting on a replay from the content server..