converting dvd to video?!


Apr 26, 2004
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i want to extract just the video part with sounds of course from a dvd. like no menus and stuff. i just wanna do this cause then i wanna extract the audio from it and listen to just that on my mp3 player. can someone plz suggest me a program that will do any of these things?!
i bought the dvd tho i just wanna listen to the audio in bed lol cause i cantr afford a mini dvd player now
Its only illegal when you copy it and re-distribute it. You can copy it all you want.
i dont think u can do it since theres prob. some protection on it
Grab DVD2AVI and you can get .wav files out of the VOB files. You can select which section of the video you want to do as well. Then you would just need to convert it to MP3 or whatever. I think if you just try to save the info files it just tags the video section and puts that info in a file (you can delete this) and then does the .wav file seperate. I havn't used it in a while.
I have done this before. I extracted the video in a massive AVI file from teh dvd and then I used a trial version of AVI2MP3 which basically extracts the audio and converts it to a chosen bitrate. Then once I had a large mp3 at 192kbps, I used a trial version of MP3 Splitter to break up teh mp3 into tracks as it was a dvd of my favorite band, alkaline trio :D