Converting MPG file to much smaller video type.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Hey, I need some help in how to do this guys...

Had something I wanted to share with ya all...

I ripped the Futurama internet clip off my PVR, and put it on my computer. You know, the one where the crew ventures onto the internet. One of my favorite clips ever, figured i'd share it with you all if I could find a way to shrink its filesize. Currently 134 megabytes in mpeg form.
First Procoder to convert it to the right file type.
Then DVDShrink, to, um shrink it.
Second is free. First is...not so.
Open it in VirtualDub -

Then go to Video > Compression then choose a different compression codec to make it smaller.

Or you can import it into Windows Movie Maker (free with XP), then export it to a movie, then choose whatever filesize you want it to be.
Of course! I forgot about virtualdub. Aye, that works well. :D
Yeah, download the divx player(includes codec) from and install, then install Virtualdub.
In virtual dub... I have an error.

MPEG Import Filter: Invalid pack at position 3: marker bit not set; possibly MPEG-2 stream.

It is an mpeg-2 stream, and it keeps giving me trouble. ARGH. Is there a codec for virtualdub that can read mpeg-2?
WOOT! I got it down to 38 megabytes! with Canopus Procoder... THANKS!

Mods, can you delete this thread? I'm gonna make a new one with the clip once I upload it :-P
No point deleting it, it shows others how to make videos smaller! :D
Raziaar said:
WOOT! I got it down to 38 megabytes! with Canopus Procoder... THANKS!

Mods, can you delete this thread? I'm gonna make a new one with the clip once I upload it :-P

See? SEE!? I told you Procoder would do you well!

...I don't know why I put it that way.
Sulkdodds said:
No point deleting it, it shows others how to make videos smaller! :D

Man... it shrunk so much, and retained most of its quality too. Took a while to figure out how to do it, cause it once took the file, and BLEW it up to like 1.3 gigs instead. ROFL.
Hrm... Does anyone know what the best filesize is while maintaining great quality? Sort of like 160 or 192kbps for mp3s. I'm thinking about shrinking all of my *ahem* stuff which takes up about 40GB, but I don't want to compress it, delete the originals for more space, then realize that the quality is shite.
Well, you could watch it over and over and over again until you're sure the quality is good enough... :E