Convinced a fellow student that im a nazi (chat+pics)


Nov 1, 2004
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Let me start from the beginning. Theres a guy at my school who i know but we dont really hang out too much. Hes a nerd and doesnt have a lot of experiance with socializing or talking to other people, therefore he is kinda weird and doesnt know when people are serious or not. He sent me a webcomic strip joking about Windows 7 and hitler (hes a Mac user and Microsoft Hater, while im the opposite), specifically this:


Having spent enough time on 4chan to study the nature of trolling, i decided to put the skills i have learnt into practice. I downloaded two nazi propaganda pictures and put them on my desktop and took screenshots. Remember im only posting these pics so you understand what was really going on, im not really a nazi.

Check the Attatchment for the pics at the bottom of the thread

So i send an email back with the picture of hitler, il just let you read the convo (he is "JE" and im "ME" obviously)

me: u like my desktop?
JE: hey
your desktop?
how could I possibly know what's on your desktop?
me: i sent you
check ur mail
JE: oh
me: i downloaded the Windows 7 Nazi beta
JE: you Swedish Nazi
the "Nazi Beta?
me: yeah, its a special release that comes with nazi themes
JE: I take it that was an open-source release; Microsoft didn't officially release a Windows 7 Nazi, did they?
me: yes they did, Steve Ballmer is a quite a strong advocate of nazism
JE: what? really?
I have to see this
me: k hold on
hm i cant find the page anymore
but yeah
the themes that comes with it is pretty awesome
let me show u another one
JE: where was the page?
use to retrieve it
me: sent u another theme, check it out

(Here i sent him the picture with the nazi symbol)

me: altho it runs a bit slower due to some nazi applications running in the background
JE: "Nazi applications?
me: yeah, let me explain
it connects to the servers dedicated towards this particular verison of the beta, your hardware will perform tasks (much like the FoldingHome project) and send the results to the server. With thousands of people doing it, they can compute the simulation of concentration camps (specifically genocides) to see how it would actually play out if it happened again
JE: cloud computing, you mean?
me: yea
you should try it
JE: haha - no thanks
me: why not?
hitler would be proud
JE: lol
firstly, I enjoy having my own processor power, and would rather not give it away
secondly, I don't have any wish to collaborate with Nazis
thirdly, what difference does it make to make a simulation?
me: so they can figure out how they can do it better and faster
JE: and fourthly, how do I know the creators of the applications aren't just using cloud computing so they can play their video games faster?
fifthly: I'm an anarchist, not a Nazi
me: yeah, so you dont really have sympathy for fellow beings, so it wouldnt hurt helping the nazis out, since overall you have the same moral grounds
JE: I can't find where you downloaded it either
I don't have sympathy for fellow human beings?
and I have the same moral grounds?
JE: and for all you know, it could just be a botnet, and your computer will be flagged for spam, CP, and automation in a couple of days
me: well atleast i wont be flagged for being a jewlover
JE: yeah, so when the police storm your house looking for spam and CP, they find out you're running Nazi apps, which is actually an even more harshly punished crime
*In Europe, anyway
me: i dont care, as long as i do my part for the fuhrer and the upcoming 4th reich
JE: I think you've gone off your head
me: hitler had the right idea, he just underestimated himself
JE did not receive your chat.

JE is offline and can't receive messages right now.

So thats how it ended, successful troll is successful. On monday i must tell him i was just joking around, hopefully i didnt sound TOO convincing.


  • 2.jpg
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  • 1.jpg
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Rape & kill him.
if this is real than that guy is hell gullable. all your did was get a background.
you could have convinced him you were something much funnier than a nazi though.
I still feel guilty about buying a hamster off a kid, then telling him a few days later that I put it in the microwave.
High res of nr 2 plz...

Naah im just kidding I don't want it.

*pm plz op!
Why a Nazi? You could have tried to convince him you're a piece of toast or something... That would have been hysterical.

You suck. :(

I for one, do not agree with that pedigree bitch. STFU lassie you whore.
Wow. That was stupid of you.

What convinced you to commit such horrors at the chambers? What was your DRIVE, man? >_>
This is generally a bad idea. "Generally bad" is synomynous with "initially hilarious".
Almost everyone in this thread is a humour nazi, so I don't know what you guys are saying.

I lol'd, good sir.
The background in 1.jpg is actually pretty damn cool if you ignore the Naziness of it.
nazis are fuking scum may they all die slow and painful deaths and then go to hell.

and the general prank idea was ok, but a nazi? lame.
This is what I thought of when I saw the first pic.

And how is it a bad idea?

Secondly that guy's an idiot.