Cool new pariah trailer.

Yes i just saw it about 30 minutes ago
It looks quite cool. Map editor looks like the WarCraft 3 map editor!
Curse you IGN- you shall not ruin my video-watching chances!

Saw the original trailer (well, it was just a brief ingame vid involving a collapsing watchtower really) and can't say I very inspired- if I can get this one loaded, I'll pass commentary.
Heh, very good trailer. I hate ones that really try to be funny, but this actually worked well... May's still a fair way off though, sigh.
God bless you Raziel! For some reason my browser kept displaying the link as plain old "/5E781863810" and I couldn't make my download manager accept it. I'll get back to you!

Although without really seeing anything I'll say I'll have faith that they can produce a half-decent FPS, although I'll swear a blue streak if they don't release the PC version alongside the X-Box.
When one of the coders on Pariah doesn't think the game is any good, it doesn't really fill you with confidence...
Pi Mu Rho said:
When one of the coders on Pariah doesn't think the game is any good, it doesn't really fill you with confidence...

Huh? Are you a coder working on Pariah or know someone?
I can't get it. I have to be an "Insider". And the direct link doesn't work. I think this will be UT with a storyline.
Through watching the trailer, the red vs blue videos seem to come to mind, which is a bad thing.
Unfortunately, all of that was X-Box. The graphics didn't shine, and the map editor looked too easy.
The map editor ships with a "Simple" Editor. Not an Advanced editor. The Pc version ships with the Advanced & Simple editor.

Map editor looks like the WarCraft 3 map editor!
Have you ever been in depth with Wc3 Triggering & Unit Making\Editing.

In the placment it's more of a rip off of RTS editors, specifically Staredit and Worldedit(Sc & Wc2\3\3:TFT).

I'll the base the oringal thing I just said off of what you said because I havn't seen the video yet..gotta post a topic about!! Flagship Studios!!
Urgh, the fecking thing screwed up at 25% and I'm in no mood to restart. Why it feels the need to demand authentication partway through is beyond me :sleep:

It really doesn't look very special to me- but I should really reserve judgement until I've actually played the thing.
Unreal 2 rocked. Best guns in a game ever!
Razor said:
Through watching the trailer, the red vs blue videos seem to come to mind, which is a bad thing.
Nah, RvB is funny/ looks better.

Dull and uninspired to me :)
Pretty much completely underwhelmed by this game. Can't see anything special about it. The simple map editor might be nice for console gamers though.