Cool weapons

That's not really a bargain. If I were bigger and stronger, or at least an equal to someone, I could kick their ass with a really big stick. Someobody didn't actually make that did they? Because that looks more like it belongs on an action toy, not a grown man.

I know it's not supposed to be an actual weapon, just an expensive, hideous, and tacky decoration. It just doesn't suit my tastes.

Edit: My weapon of mass destruction.
Yeah i think its just to show of to ur friends or 2 scare the shit out of a burgler.
I know what would scare the shit out of a burglar...a shotgun
Yah I see it now. "Stop doer of evil deeds!", "For your crimes you must pay the penalty of.... CRITICAL MASS!!!!", (Burglar pulls out a gun) "Sir, you cannot harm me with your human weapons...", (Burglar shoots idiot), "Oh god! My stomach! Owww... ."
I think I'd prefer a regular ol' sword... :)

Ever think of how powerful a blade could be if we could sharpen it down to a single atom?! :eek:
Ever thought what a magic stick that could launch projectiles at extremely high speeds could do to a person? Oh wait... that's right. Guns.

The future of weapons is in some kind of gun that can get ammunition to go at such high speeds it will penetrate anything. Like some kind of futuristic rail-gun technology.
Ok then, you have your "sharp" sword and I'l have my Big Red Button i.e the launch codes to Americas nukes...

Actually, my brother collects swords, anyone who breaks into our house is gonna have a shock when they see a family sporting several katanas, a broad sword and a gurker knife. :D
I love swords and knives, but they are pretty useless against gun's and the like. Unless we are talking about close combat, then you could just cut off the guys hand or head or something.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually, my brother collects swords, anyone who breaks into our house is gonna have a shock when they see a family sporting several katanas, a broad sword and a gurker knife. :D

Unless the burglar is Sam Fisher and he creeps into your rooms and sellotapes you to your bed...
You want to see a really cool weapon?


I dont think I would get a lot of burglers with THIS parket out front... But probably a lot of curious nabours in front of my house 8)
Apache Choppers are damn expensive to get shot down by a $400 RPG, or crash during flight from pilot error.
Hmmm... It's only a design, but it looks cool.

I don't think that cannon fired the nuke - between 18-19 seconds there is a definate skip in the film, like someone stopping and starting again, but the camera moved so the change is there. Then again, this could be caused by the nuke, but surely it would shake when it goes off proeprly, not just it hitting the gorund. Anyhoo its looks cool :D
That was actually a crappier version of the real video. I have the real one on my hard drive but I don't know how to host it so I just posted this one since it was the only vid I could find. The longer version shows alot more.
Jammydodger said:
Yeah i think its just to show of to ur friends or 2 scare the shit out of a burgler.

that thing wouldnt scare me, looks as harmless as one of those sockem bopper things. Then again i get head aches from sockem boppers. :O