Coolest sounding features of Aftermath, yo.


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Stuff that is actually announced, officially.

Stuff you like.

I like the idea of Kleiner hijacking Breen's Broadcasting System to spout conpiracy theories and advice. Sounds brilliant!
The answers to questions that weren't answered in hl2. Oh, and stalkers sound nice, too.
Simply the story. Need more Half Life story!!!
Jintor said:
Stuff that is actually announced, officially.

Stuff you like.

I like the idea of Kleiner hijacking Breen's Broadcasting System to spout conpiracy theories and advice. Sounds brilliant!

Can you point me to where you read that?
More time in the city and fighting with Alyx/Rebels(You don't get enough fighting in the city)
Lukasz said:
The answers to questions that weren't answered in hl2. Oh, and stalkers sound nice, too.
Quoted for truth.

And all of the usual that you'd expect from an expansion: New weapons, enemies(the stalkers for one), interesting scenery etc..
Will be nice to see where they take the story, too. And what they leave open for Half-Life 3.
It continues the Half-Life story, that's the best thing.
theSteven said:
It continues the Half-Life story, that's the best thing.

Agreed tbh. What I'm most looking forward to is finding out what happens.
More G-man.

Also, I'm looking forward to seeing all of Alyx' new AI code at work. An NPC that doesn't repeat anything they've said before? That's long as it's not just different ways of her saying, "Come on, Gordon" when I stop to look at something.
A pimped buggy with pneumatic suspension, yo.
Things people have said already. The top thing would be simply getting deeper into the story of Half-Life. I'd like to hear a little more from the G-Man, and I'm eager to be fighting along side Alyx and her new AI. Yesh.
The "new abilities" and features the Gravity Gun is supposedly gonna have. And yees more creatures.
New enemies, new evidence about GMan & Combine, new weapons, more Half-Life !!

biozeminades work too
It isn't good to keep asking Questions about the Biozeminades. Not good at all. I realise now that that must be what happened to Brian Damage :(
Raziel-Jcd said:
Simply the story. Need more Half Life story!!!

Yeah the Half Life story is brilliant and we'll see how it unfolds now.. Perhaps even maybe a clue in the story of Shepard's return, as I said Maybe

I'd like to see the Combine A.I. improved, instead of just rushing you. I'd like to see something similar to Far Cry or FEAR, but we'll see.
ríomhaire said:
I can't find the damn magazine but in an issue of PC Gamer or whatever its called, there was an interview with VALVe about Lost Coast before it came out and Aftermath. Its a long ass interview, and they were talking about new things that are being implemented like Alyx's new AI and in one segment they mentioned that they are possibly implementing new features and uses for the Gravity Gun.

Whatever it could be used for other than blasting shit and shoot enemies into walls with your guess is as good as mine.
I saw the organic grav gun in a couple of Aftermath Screenies (all of them in the Citadel) in a feature article run by PCPP, or PCPowerplay, an Australian PC Gaming Magazine.

I wonder how they're going to handle that?
My guess is that its due to the Citadel losing power. We see the organic grav gun in the Citadel sections, but the normal grav gun on the Citadel train with Alyx. Clearly the train sections is the end of the Citadel and something is done for it to lose power.

That said I am not that keen on going through the Citadel with the blue grav gun in hand again, I'd rather blast my way through. Well, we'll see.
the kids...maybe?
oh and one more thing, a zero point gravity scene, like with the explosion of the citadel, for a sec, you see rocks flowting in the
if there isnt at least 1 significant answer i will consider leaving the half-life scene for a very long time. the time is right for answers, you know it, and i know it. something to keep everyone really curious and involved half life 1 style.

if valve doesn't i will lose faith in their ability big time.
hopefully we'll learn more about race x and their history...also maybe some more info on Xen.
well obviously it answers the question of what happens to the citadel, and who survives the explosion.

People have been asking those two questions since the game first came out.
More of everything. Better and bigger maps, more models, more enemies and allies, and a really good continued long story.
Sars said:
if there isnt at least 1 significant answer i will consider leaving the half-life scene for a very long time. the time is right for answers, you know it, and i know it. something to keep everyone really curious and involved half life 1 style.

if valve doesn't i will lose faith in their ability big time.

The most significant answers will remain to HL3, that makes sense, as that's the last part. AM will answer the question of what happens to City17 and the people there as the Citadel explodes, answer the question of what happens to Breen, Barney, Eli and some other characters...

But the real answers, like what's the Combine agenda, how did the Xenians get there, just who was the Nihilanth, who is the G-Man, those will be HL3.
Solver said:
The most significant answers will remain to HL3, that makes sense, as that's the last part. AM will answer the question of what happens to City17 and the people there as the Citadel explodes, answer the question of what happens to Breen, Barney, Eli and some other characters...

But the real answers, like what's the Combine agenda, how did the Xenians get there, just who was the Nihilanth, who is the G-Man, those will be HL3.
I think we alraedy know how Xen's inhabitants got here. Portal Storms. Unless if you mean some thing else, then my bad.
Maybe he means how did Vortigaunts, Controllers and Co. get to Xen.