Coolest use of flash ever (99rooms)

Wow, the very same link was posted in the thread above you..

So one of you topic starters is an idiot :D I dunno which one posted first..
Ritz said:
Wow, the very same link was posted in the thread above you..

Actually I posted first, but technically it was a miscommunication; He shared the site with me on aim and I said post on it or elese I will, and so I waited for a bit and he signed off and I figured he left so I posted, but a few seconds later he posted it so whatever.

Also instead of saying we are idiots why dont you actually add something useful to the thread instead of your grumbling complaints. Although the smiley does add some comic relief :p

Ritz said:
So one of you topic starters is an idiot :D I dunno which one posted first..

also, for future reference you can check when things are posted as a timestamp is placed on every post on a small blue stripe on the top, this avoids confusions such as what you posted above. For example in my post Today, ex. 11:02 PM; His: Today, 11:05 PM
gh0st said:
Haha what a stupid video. But what a filthy song.

What the hell are you talking about :laugh: I think your going nuts :smoking:

wrong thread possibly?
Haha I found the bastard, I was looking for that stray post. I was saying that about that numa numa thread. Anyway, this scared the hell out of me so I wont tread further.

Hmmm alot of work went into it... but i dont see how its scary... or interesting... but maybe thats just my opinion...
That was really, really cool. Great grafitti art aswell :)
Is it meant to be a game, or simply a slideshow of art? Or something else and I'm missing the point?
too long, i quit at about 8 pictures.
nice artworks though but thats about it. the ambient sounds were pretty cool but what the hell is the point?
WOAH room 23 scaried the crap out of me
go to number 26...made me jump :D creepy stuff...i dont wanna play no more :(
LOL Glen, I sped over to Room 26, and I shat myself :O Had the volume turned right up as well :(

I've had enough!!
After I went to 23 to see what was scary, I went to 26 and...ahhh !

Didn't expect that at all :o
is very cool

I didnt watched it complete will watch it complete later
Wow, I love it.

It has a dark feel to it, I never understood it though but I got scared on one of the rooms (Closed to window to quick to remeber :() But there was a graffiti art of an alien like man with his hands pressed against the wall, I was clicking around thinking "wtf?" and then an alien thing ran across my screen and wiped his hand...

I'm a baby :(
heh, just went through it all now. Was a little creepy, but I was just admiring the art :P very cool :)
haha omg i didn't know there were scary suprises, and hahaha i got freaked out on 26 or 23, cant remember - so i decided to carry on tomorrow :D
burnzie said:

Hmmm alot of work went into it... but i dont see how its scary... or interesting... but maybe thats just my opinion...

Second that,

very cool work but a bit boring
yeah there was really no point to it. I was expecting something big at number 99 but nope. Just a bunch of the wierdest stuff I have ever saw, I wonder how they thought up all that stuff. Pretty much a waste of time but there was good art and such but overall boring.