

Aug 11, 2005
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Alright, then, I've recently been told that performance issues by my pc are probably from my hardware temperatures, mainly my graphics cards. Here are the temperatures of my hardware at the moment of typing this:

mobo: 45 celcius
CPU: 27 celcius (I'm pretty sure that's a good temp.)
Aux (what's that? RAM?): 43 celcius
GPU (they're about the same, I looked on the Nvidia setting): 50 celcius
Drive 1: 34 celcius
Drive 2: 38 celcius

They will of course go up when I'm playing a game. I already know I want a new 120 mm. front fan, and I'm thinking I want a couple GPU fans, too.

I was looking at Newegg for GPU fans. I was looking at these, the reviews are good, but it's very pricey for a fan; plus, I'm gonna need two:
Here's the list of them, if that's no good:

And my friend showed me this 120 mm. chassis fan, tell me if it would be a good choice or not.

Much thanks for helping me, still a noob after a year of this shit.
you dont need any gpu fans you just need more case fans to get air moving through the case other then that your temps are normal.
Where did you get that cpu temp? that seems abnormally low compared to the rest, make sure you used the bios because most programs suck when it comes to monitoring cpu temps. program measurements always tell me some rediculously # for my cpu (anywhere from 3-155 with the measurement done in a few seconds apart), but my bios is always consistent depending on what I was doing just before I restarted.

Also, are you planning to put that 120mm in the back or front? It's a good idea to have consistent airflow which means that you want intake and outtake fans (cooler air in, hot air out). I have an 80mm in the back, a 120mm from the power supply, and a cpu fan blowing out a side vent. My intake is however, a big external fan blowing at the front of the computer.
I bet your Case and CPU temps are switched around. :D
There is nothing wrong with the temp of your GPU. Could buy a better fan if you want it quiter though.
I'm using Everest to tell what the temps are. :\

In the case I have a 120 mm. blowing in, and 2 80 mm.s blowing out.

You guys are saying the temps are fine? Hmm.. well, I have updated drivers and all, why is it that my machine can only play Doom 3 with 4x anti-aliasing without it lagging often?
Are you playing Doom3 MP or SP? What quality setting are you using? Medium, High or Ultra?
4X AA is pretty good. Beyond that it can get unplayble depending on the game and card.
AF doesn't have as much of a performance hit normally though.

Just happen with Doom3? What about Source games?
Ahh.. just got done with some Counter-Strike, which started to stutter a bit after about a half hour. hm.

Singleplayer, and ultra, of course. And considering I have two video cards going, you'd think I'd be able to go beyond that without performance hits...

Source games, max settings and the 1280 resolution. I need a bigger monitor.

But leading from my Counter-Strike example, most of my games, but mainly source for some reason, get stuttery after a little while playing. A dude told me the reason I get performance hits when I go any further in Doom 3 or something and the stuttering is because of the temperatures, and now you guys are saying my temperatures are fine, and what do I do for God's sake?

My GPU's get around 60 celcius or maybe a bit higher when I play games.
As the others have said, it seems to me you have sufficient cooling. The GPU may be a bit hot, but it's still not hot enough to cause those kinds of problems. If you insist on getting another fan, do NOT get the fan that your friend recommended unless you don't want to hear yourself think. The fan puts out a lot lof airflow, but in the process generates 65dB. Unless you enjoy the sound of a jet engine, I would definitely NOT get that fan.

You can get a good Antec TriCool fan that is fairly quiet and moves plenty of air, but with three case fans already... as I said, I think you have sufficient cooling.
yeah um, 60C for a GPU is good. But other's have already told you that. So here' what i would do....

-Shut down all programs running within Windows when playing
-clear all temp internet folders
-defrag hdd
-run virus and adware scan(Spybot search and Destory or Adware SE).
-also, go ahead and make sure you've uninstalled any games you're not going to play...Don't keep crap like Age of Empires3 or WarCraft's Frozen Throne if you're not going to play it.

That's all general PC maintance. Not a huge deal, i doubt that will sovle your problem but at least you can say you did it.

After that run your games and time how long it takes for the occurance to happen, if it's exactly 30min each time...then well...who knows. Try to hit Alt-Crtl-del and let the system monitor run as you're playing, when you get slow down hold ALT and then hit TAB to see if your CPU status spikes, if so, the problem is not heat.
Changed my case, temp went from 80 degrees normal to 40-50ish on standby.
All my games ran UBER smooth then on
The only major thing in your PC that doesn't have a temp sensor to check is the power supply. How warm is the air coming out the back after you have been gaming?
I use everest too, 95% of the time it reports the cpu to be something its not. Recheck your cpu temp in BIOS (its more likely to be around 40+)
The only major thing in your PC that doesn't have a temp sensor to check is the power supply. How warm is the air coming out the back after you have been gaming?

Uhh... pretty warm? :|

I couldn't find the temperatures from the bios. I don't care about the noise too much, I'll just get it if it moves a whole bunch of air. How do I defragment my harddrive?
start > programs > accessories > system tools > disk defragmentor
I don't care about the noise too much, I'll just get it if it moves a whole bunch of air.
You can get other fans that move plenty of air, you don't need a jet engine... 220 CFM is overkill for any system. To put things into perspective, a quiet room is ~25dB. a VERY loud (and ear damaging) stereo is ~105dB. 65dB is right in the middle. That is not acceptable if you want to be able to hear your games for example over fan noise.

Get the fan if you want, but don't say I didn't warn you... :p
Fine, I wont get the fricking fan. I defragmented my drives, which seemed to help a bit. :D I just finished playing Oblivion, so I checked the air coming from the power supply, and it is pretty hot. I'll go for another look in the bios tommorow. Sleeps for now.
CPU is 39 celcius, it says in the bios, if anyone still cares.
what were you doing before you checked (pc was off, played a game then restarted, etc.)
I was playing a game about 20 minutes before I checked. After I finished playing I was just browsing the web a bit, and talking.
ok the temps seem about right if you were just webbing/chatting within the few min.s before checking, thats about what my temps are too so you should be good.