Cops N' Crooks


Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Haven't seen a thread about this so far, so i'll bring it up for those of you who play multiplayer.

This is by far the most fun multiplayer mode I've played in any game for a long time! It's endlessly amusing to watch a car full of sub-machinegun wielding cops cause chaos while blasting ragga or metal. Crooks scattering like cockroaches and trying to make an escape (when it works atleast.. ) is downright hilarious.

I was playing last night and the crooks spawned an industrial yard near the coast, running together down the alleys trying to find a way out, only to get stuck behind a fence when we we reached the road. People got confused, ran in circles, then started climbing the fence to escape. About that time, the cop sirens were getting closer. As we nabbed a sports car and hopped in, the police were FLYING down the road blasting music and firing at us, but the driver forgot to stop. He braked hard and went into a slide, only to hit a rock and have the car full of police go wildly airborne, hitting the beach some 100 feet away after a couple of the cops inside flew out of their doors mid flight, then rolling into the ocean and exploding. I was laughing so hard I nearly cried.

Anyone else have any funny moments from Cops N Crooks?
Chasing a crime boss across a runway in one of those little baggage buggies :)

"move move you piece of shit"!!!
Cops N Crooks is so damn amezing, i keep finding my self playing it till 3am :P