Cops who murdered 92 yr old woman, planted drugs at the scene say they're "remorseful


May 5, 2004
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Tearful Atlanta Cops Express Remorse for Shooting 92-Year-Old Kathryn Johnston, Leaving Her To Bleed to Death in Her Own Home While They Planted Drugs in Her Basement, Then Threatening an Informant So He Would Lie To Cover It All Up

**** the POE-lice. no one deserves death for simple possession.

This is what happens when you declare ?war? on American citizens. You dehumanize them. And you instill an ends-justifies-the-means, win at all costs mindset in your ?warriors.? This mindset infected the entire narcotics unit at Atlanta PD. You?d have to be awfully naive to believe the problem is limited to Atlanta.

Officers Junnier, Smith, and Tesler are going to prison. But you could make a good case that they were only responding to incentives.
people would be more responsible if our leaders were more responsible. imagine if all of Congress were law abiding citizens. i'm not saying there would be some bad apples along the way. but a lot of people act like our leaders because they set the example in some respect
The "War on Drugs" is a "War on People"
They gonna get raped. Prison is the worst place for cops.
That's bad... I bet all thy got was a discharge from the force too! That's WRONG!
they should've planted an AK and jihadi training videos too and called DHS, would've gotten medals under chertoff.
Dammit Stern, how many times have I told you, reddit is only for people 65 and under?
Oh man... did you see her photo? She's BLACK! She must have been a Drug Queen!

Stupid cops....
I'm sure they're very remorseful.

For getting caught.

Being one of the few who actually respect Police and not their gun nowadays, it saddens me so very much to see them act like this. I for one, Demand action!

Wait... They are gonna get raped. OK. That's justice enough. I bet the son of the woman they murdered is the head-securite officer in the prison. Booyaa, irony meets Karma.
I'm sure they're very remorseful.

For getting caught.
Well, "thou shalt not get caught" has always been the primary commandment for intelligence agencies and certain types of lawkeeper the world over.
they have to meet quotas for arrests and warrants ... is it just me or does that sound plain stupid ?.
Its not exactly like that. But yes, it is stupid and leads to a lot of terrible decisions by people in the multiple tiers of leadership in the police force.

Socialism is clearly the key to solving all of this [/davidsimon]