Copyright sound removal on youtube vids

Thankfully none of my videos have been censored, but if they do il definitly try this out.
Do you think this also work for the whole Regional Censorship? (were videos are only viewable in certain countries)
I went through 6 youtube music videos of 1 song, trying to find one with audio so that I could introduce something new to friends. The only one that worked was someone who had disputed a removal, like above.

Because watching a music video with no sound is like having sex while paralyzed.


Don't sue me bro; fair use. Have a nice day.
Well I composed all my music in my videos myself...

I also listen to relatively unpopular music.
Happened to 2 of my videos, ones I made for a football game I play. Audio was disabled in both (I used some well known artists), but since then one of them has been re-enabled and the other hasn't. I'm not too bothered, I don't have much faith in this method though...
I've done it a couple of times, but end up deleting it afterward. I just want the copyright notice off my account. They re-enable the audio immediately after you dispute, then it's up to the copyright holder if they want to follow through and sue you. I usually just put "non-commercial fair use".

In one case i just used the audio swap feature after filing the dispute. Not really the best selection, tho.
I have been censored alot.It does suck like.
In my case the worst they've done is notify me that video, and music content that I've used belongs to EA, but they didn't censor anything...
Oh shit! It worked on my video! WHOO! Suck it Doors! I use your music where I want!