Coronal Mass Ejection Headed for Earth!


Jun 23, 2010
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On August 1st around 0855 UT, Earth orbiting satellites detected a C3-class solar flare. The origin of the blast was Earth-facing sunspot 1092. This means that the usual aurora on both sides of the plannet will stratch much farther than they normally do. For example Scottland have a chance of seeing Aurora Borialis on the 3rd and 4th of August.

Finally, a mild apocalypse situation in which I can become a hero.
That's why I loved Watchmen. 'Destruction scenes' like that, where there's a load of pretty special effects and everyone dies makes you feel incredibly detached. But getting to know the characters, and actually seeing them in their final moments...

I remember seeing a couple of scenes where it's done quite well. It can be quite moving.
If here by now then bad place be. Trouble time for you when heat comes.
Yeah, so this should have hit by now? Anyone in the polar regions notice brighter aurora? Lost a satellite?
this could be bad for satellites of the all ready troubled ISS which is having a massive cooling failure right now (don't know if they fixed it yet)
The Aurora would only be the start....that is the first of the ionized particles hitting the time went on, more and more ions would hit, building up in a larger force, like static electricty...

I'll be staying up all night hoping to see anything...seems like whenever there is some amazing galactic event, the skies here are ****ing overcast, and tonight is no different :(
Aaaaand nothing happened...

Universe, can't even do disasters right...
Aaaaand nothing happened...

Universe, can't even do disasters right...

Thats why the US Government is devoting their resources on HAARP, it is a second barrier (the first being the the natural magnetic field of the Earth) against CME, the particularely big one thats supposed to hit in 2010 :cheers:
You mean this one?

Oh, I LOL'd.

On a serious note, after reading up on the NASA article, I think he means the solar maximum which according to NASA will occur some time in 2013.
I had a dream last night the sun was supposed to be having a fit. Some incredibly large solar flare or something causing a temporary heatwave. I remember looking up and seeing the sun, enormous and bloated, white hot. Below it was a bright, burning moon, also far larger than it should be, but still not as big as the sun. I could see white fire dancing across the surface of the moon, and I realised that they were wrong. There was no way we could possibly survive.

The wikipedia entry on CMEs reminded me of it.
I had a dream last night the sun was supposed to be having a fit. Some incredibly large solar flare or something causing a temporary heatwave. I remember looking up and seeing the sun, enormous and bloated, white hot. Below it was a bright, burning moon, also far larger than it should be, but still not as big as the sun. I could see white fire dancing across the surface of the moon, and I realised that they were wrong. There was no way we could possibly survive.

The wikipedia entry on CMEs reminded me of it.
Is that a good episode? I've never really watched the Outer Limits before.
CMEs happen all the time. That's why we get auroras. Rarely do they even do anything. Generally the worst that will happen is satellite damage... or potenially astronaut burnination (canceration), but for it to do anything terrible to people sitting here on the soft ground of this little blob we live on... it's gonna have to be pretty flippin dippin big.
Is that a good episode? I've never really watched the Outer Limits before.

It's a good episode if you don't mind cheesy actiong or bad CGI. Skip ahead to 7:10 in the clip I posted to see what I mean. True, the show was done in the early 90's so they have that excuse.
Okay, so Stargate-style B-movie acting and lame greenscreen/composite effects? I can deal. :P