I've noticed more and more retail stores and companies that are having fewer and fewer full-time and salary employees, hiring more and more part timers and only giving the part time people about 15-18 hrs a week. (i know, i'm one of them) also, they get really pissed when you tell them you've got a 2nd job simply because they have to schedule around another job. (yet this wouldn't happen if they gave you more hrs, cut part time to the essentials so you had less people to schedule) Yet companies don't really care about the people that actually work for them and run their stores. I've talked to store managers (in other retail stores) who dont give a crap about their part timers, and expect them to only have that one job and survive on 15 hrs a week. Yet, when the part timers get together and tell the managers they will all quit unless they get more hrs, management gets pissed. It's like this.. treat your employees like you would want to be treated and you will have a great store. Ford, the guy who started assemblies, cut work hrs to 8hrs a day and doubled pay and still his profits and worker output skyrocketed. Yet companies don't care about employees, they only care about their own wallets.
any thoughts?
any thoughts?