Correcting Valve's ineptitude - new FGDs!


Jan 16, 2005
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Valve was far too incompetent to make a proper FGD (entity definition file). So, I took up where they left off by correcting both the blindingly obvious and the subtle errors...

The HL2 FGD functions for HL2 and HL2DM; the CS:S functions for CS:S only. No more base FGD to keep up with.

A few samples from the changelog, at the bottom of my page or the top of the individual FGDs (open them with Notepad or another plaintext editor):

* Removed or commented out the following nonfunctional or redundant entities:
func_ladder [HL2 FGD only], func_wall, func_water, func_illusionary, game_score, game_player_team, game_player_hurt, info_teleport_destination, test_*

* Added Targetname and Angles bases to PlayerClass base, allowing spawn points to have inputs and such

* Corrected filter_activator_team team-numbering and added new teams for spectators and unassigned

If you'd like to be informed as to future changes to this FGD, just tell me and I'll email you whenever I make a meritable update. (It's not worth completely re-releasing the files just for a correction in spelling, for instance.)

If you think a change should be made to an entity, feel free to contact me with your idea. I'll laud your name or write you forever into the FGD or buy you dinner or something ;)

Also, if you've found another FGD or have made changes to the FGDs yourself, don't forget to contact me so that everyone's on the same page. I don't want a thousand different FGDs by a thousand different authors floating around, and I assure you, I'm not out to steal anyone's work :p

Any questions, comments, requests, marriage proposals, hate mail, death threats, soliloquies on the meaning of life, etc. should be directed to [email protected].

[edited to make it clear and conspicuous that func_ladder was only removed from the HL2 FGD]
Upgradeing as soon as sourcesdk has downloaded again - GW Rae!
so does this mean i can use your FDG for teamspawn without all that teleporting nonsense ?
JavaByte said:
so does this mean i can use your FDG for teamspawn without all that teleporting nonsense ?

Teamspawns have to be incorporated into HL2DM before they can be incorporated into the FGD ;)
Because HL2 uses a much more complex, complicated, conjuncted (is that a word?) method for creating latters which involves two point based entities that are shaped the same as Info_Player_Start. They also need a set of dismount points too... Both the new ladder and dismount point names elude me but they probably have those words in their name.

Short answer: Because its unused.
well, thats better then having NO ladder at all.
you think HL2 is bad you gotta load up the Call oif Duty "tools" some time. You'd laugh yourself silly.
Yea the tools made at id always have a lot of little quirks, hammer may be frusturating when it does random things, but when you can predict when and what will show up when you do things in like D3Edit, then you know you need to fix them :p One thing I remember is something like when you try to create a prop it only shows up as a box, and you must copy and delete the old one (but it shows up ingame)

That one is annoying cause it happens like every.... freakin' time

Anyways nice work on your FGD's :D :D

Sami: Faulk's right :) that entity is unused because hl2 has new one (I even heard from someone that they are going to even redo the ladder code and entities again? I hope it will make it better and easier to use :)
I had to remove func_ladder from the HL2/HL2DM FGD because func_ladder no longer works in those. Only works in CS:S now.

If it still worked, I wouldn't have even considered removing it... it's still the best way to make a ladder...