Cost of this game


Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Hello guys,

How much do you think will this game cost on steam(first year)? I bet it will be $19.99 + VAT. Depending on that the Engine isn't made from scratch the development can't be that expensive?

Will be also a free weekend for this game?

It's a full on game, so I doubt it will cost any less than any other full game.
$50 for one game? That's a lot. I'll get it anyway.
Probably $30, regular price for a standard game.
I'll probably pay €35 on Steam, because of the low dollar course.
If you buy it for the xbox 360 it will cost you $59.99 . I expect it to be cheaper on steam though. Most likely in the $30-50 price range.
The most expensive standard game ive seen so far was CoD 4 selling at $69.99 USD, here in the UK it was 49.99 GBP when it first appeared, the standard price of a 360 game is 39.99, with the PC versions usually being down at 24.99, in most cases on steam after conversion and tax, the price usually works out around the same for me.

I dont think development time or cost has ever effected a games price, there are only a few SKU pricing schemes that exist out there. as far as im concerned im paying a standard price for a decent launch game, plus extended content into 2009, and considering the ammount of games people play then never touch again, I personaly think its worth it.

I am sure that some time after release there will be a free weekend, and then probbally more free weekends with extended content ala TF2.
It should be $50 with most games or even $60. Probably $50 though.
I went on IGN to go look and it says $59.99 for Xbox 360 and $39.99 for PC.
Steam will be pretty cheap hopefully :D

It's certainly not going to be 1-20 or 50-60.

Unless you've got a 360. ;)
I think it's Value Added Tax. I don't what it actualy is though.
Wierd, I've never had to pay anything beyond the list price. Guess it depends on location. I also hope the game is about $20 or less. Is there even a campaign mode?
$49.99 100% sure. with a 10% discount for preorders.
$49.99 100% sure. with a 10% discount for preorders.

I actually just read that at PAX they said it's going to be a full-priced game. I would assume that would mean, it would probably be $60 then.

Even still, I'll pick it up, especially for all of the free content packs that will come with it later!
$49.99 at EB Games in Canada... just pre-ordered mine yesterday... and booked a week of vacation time! :D
Depending on that the Engine isn't made from scratch the development can't be that expensive?

The engine used doesn't not influence the cost of the final product (see Mass Effect and others using Unreal). On the contrary: using pre-made software increases the margin of profit. First thing that I learned on my job as a software developer :)
I actually just read that at PAX they said it's going to be a full-priced game. I would assume that would mean, it would probably be $60 then.

Even still, I'll pick it up, especially for all of the free content packs that will come with it later!

60$ is for consoles.
25 to 40. I seriously doubt they would make it cost more than the whole Orange Box, even a year later.
Its already been announced to be $50 bucks... And 20 would be insanely cheap, thats about what valve games cost after 6 months they been out

He's talking pounds. I think it'll be ?30 retail. ?20 on Steam.
It'll be 40quid for the 360 version, and 25-30quid for the PC.
They could sell it at 35GBP which seems to be the standard nowadays for new games...
On PC or 360?

I've never really had to pay more than 30 for a new PC game, and most new 360 seem to be 39.99, apart from that Pure game which is only 29.99.
Kinda doesn't work with people referring to their own currency. New games here are like $99 for pc :(
On PC or 360?

I've never really had to pay more than 30 for a new PC game, and most new 360 seem to be 39.99, apart from that Pure game which is only 29.99.


Most new games nowadays are ?34.99. It included Crysis, Bioshock, Gears of War and the Orange Box.
Are those high-street prices?

I got my copy of the Orange Box for 28.99 off Play I think.
Amazon price 25.99 GBP including delivery.

The Steam price for UK buyers is ~$53 with tax (can't double check the exact price as I only use XP for playing games and I'm in working mode with Linux right now but that's close enough) to which I can add a quid or so more from Visa for currency commission etc. But that doesn't really matter, at current exchange rates the base Steam price is over 30 GBP. Whilst 3rd party games on Steam have come out at uncompetitive prices before I think this is the first time Valve haven't managed to make the deal on Steam the best on offer for one of their own games.

And before all the trolls pitch in, I know that I won't be able to start playing on day 1 if I don't get it on Steam but that matters a damn. I've got other things to do and don't care if I join in the mayhem a week or so after release.