Could i play HL2 with good settings with my computer?



System Specs:

Motherboard - GIGABYTE "GA-8TRS350MT" ATI 9100 Pro IGP Chipset
CPU - Intel Pentium 4 2.66Ghz, 1MB l2 Cache, 533FSB
Video Card - ATI 9800 Pro 128MB, 256Bit
Memory - 1Gb Corsair pc-3200 and 768Mb PNY pc-2700

Could I play hl2 with medium to high settings?
You could've just tried it instead of making a whole new thread.
I would download the demo if i had the time, I have a dial up connection so it would take like 10+ hours :frown:
I run it fluently with everything on high (except of course anti ialising and anosotropic filtering), and my system is, amd 2500+, 512 mb ram, radeon 9600 pro.
You're system's pretty superior so no worries.