Could next week be the unveiling of Splinter Cell 4?

SearanoX said:
If it is, I'm not too interested. The third one hasn't even been out for a year. These guys need to spend more time on their games. :P
I hope they're not going to rush this one.
Even if it is a bit fast for the next splinter cell, i don't think that what ubisoft will put out will be rubbish. After all, it is a Tom Clancy game, and the only TC game that I can think of that has been crap is The Sum of All Fears...
I hope that they work on the networking engine a bit more, and bring Spies Vs Mercs onto the new graphics engine (it's still using the old SC: PT engine... They didn't want to transfer it over because they didn't want to wait a few more months to get it working and get the bugs out of the system)

I can't wait :D
The trailer they showed some time ago at the X05 conference looked really interesting.
I hope Sam Fisher is still in SC4, even though he's 50 years old in Chaos Theory.

Interesting fact: Ubisoft Shanghai worked on Pandora Tomorrow so Ubisoft Montreal could work on a new engine for Chaos Theory. Therefore, it wasn't really rushed.