Could you give me some help please

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Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
I downloaded a game of the torrent sites, the game got two CDs. CD1 got file.bin and file.cue and CD2 got the same files but with diffrent sizes of course. My question is what to do next after I got both CDs?

There isn't any .exe files. its only the .bin and .cue in both CDs.

HELP me please. ;(
We dont have any warez support on this forum. I would delete this topic before a mod (who can delete it and make a warning) do.
You want people to help you with your warez? That's pretty sad. Anyway [edit: nevermind, Majestic's right:p ]
And i dont want anyone helping him out. If he's too dumb to figure out NOT to post stuff like this, well... do you think he knows what to do with the program?
No, I wasnt you guys said no one should help him. not "dont help him, hes a pirate, yaaaaaaaar"

edit: oops, majestic said didnt want anyone to help. didnt see that. sorry
Warez is bad, kids.

Thread go bye bye.
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