Could you kick smoke grenades?

Aug 21, 2003
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This is something I thought of while talking to someone on irc, would it be possibly to kick smoke grenades(after they go off) in a similar fashion to how you push the little objects like the little canisters and boxes on dust2 when you walk over them?(gamemeca video) I think this would add some very cool tactics to the game if you could sort of kick them down a hallway or something after they had already gone off.
Kicking would be hard to implement, because of the impracticalities of using your feet in a FPS. However I wouldn't be suprised if you could possibly pick it up (like other objects in HL2) or at least shoot it away.
Ol'Master said:
Kicking would be hard to implement, because of the impracticalities of using your feet in a FPS. However I wouldn't be suprised if you could possibly pick it up (like other objects in HL2) or at least shoot it away.
From what we've seen in the footage, walking over smaller objects in CS: Source flings them through the air in a 'kick' like fashion.
Let me rephrase, I meant that perhaps the grenade would be too small to kick sufficietly. It would depend on the movement of the feet in realtion to the position of the grenade. Perhaps it would be possible...
yeah, it could be possible, like Abom said, small objects would have a kick effect when you walk over them, and also, it would be a good idea (don't know if it is like this already) to a new effect to the smoke grenades, instead of just going off once and throwing a lot of smoke out instantly, they could make it a little more realistic (i know it is not supposed to be ultra realistic people) and slowly make smoke come out, like in America's Army, and then, while the smoke is coming out, you can kick it so the smoke will continue to go out of the grenade on another place.
Or if a frag grenade was tossed your way, and you kicked it back :D
Abom said:
From what we've seen in the footage, walking over smaller objects in CS: Source flings them through the air in a 'kick' like fashion.

Yes, this is what i'm talking about. I don't literally mean having a button assigned to a kick action and be able to kick stuff around.
ThomasToad said:
Yes, this is what i'm talking about. I don't literally mean having a button assigned to a kick action and be able to kick stuff around.

there should be ninja moves in CS so i could finally beat toad :,(
Kicking/shooting the smoke gren out of the way would be a neato touch. What would be cooler still would be being able to shoot them while they were being thrown, knocking it off course or perhaps even causing a premature detonation.

You could set up a little skeet-shoot mod, lobbing grens. "PULL!"
I just want to have a second fire for the grenades... like in HL2 when u can roll ur grenades on the ground! :)
I just want to be able to throw a grenade and have a teammate shoot it in midair :)
filipeg165 said:
it would be a good idea (don't know if it is like this already) to a new effect to the smoke grenades, instead of just going off once and throwing a lot of smoke out instantly, they could make it a little more realistic (i know it is not supposed to be ultra realistic people) and slowly make smoke come out
It used to spew smoke slowly, but it was changed to instantly create a smoke screen to increase it's effectiveness.. you would have to wait a long time for the smoke to increase before you could use it as sufficient cover against an awper. I forget which version this change was made.
I forget which version this change was made.

it was like that on 1.5 then sometime during the beta test of 1.6 they implemented the effect it is right now i believe.
filipeg165 said:
it was like that on 1.5 then sometime during the beta test of 1.6 they implemented the effect it is right now i believe.
I think you're right, 1.5 it would burst then send up a sizeable cloud.
in cs the grenade exploded when it hits something usually, so there would be no point.
all u would have to do is press e to kick.This would not be hard to implement
Yeah but it's an alteration to the gameplay mechanics and CS players have proved notoriously restistant to change in the past, or at least the vocal minority have anyway.

The current smoke nades in 1.6 and CZ do create an initial burst of smoke and then continue to poor smoke out from a second location where the canister ends up after the first cloud explodes out. Much improved over 1.5 I think.
Kicking and shooting grenades would be awesome. I've always wondered how cool it would be to be able to shoot grenades in mid-air.
Some of you are getting it wrong, I dont mean to literally kick stuff(although this would be fun), I just mean how when you walk over objects in cs:s it seems to "push" them along. I'm simply wondering if you could do the same with smoke grenades.

I do like the idea of being able to shoot grenades out of the air though!
I remember when a grenade hitting someone would hurt them 5 hp or something. By hitting I mean throwing it at them and it bouncing off them, not exploding.

I always wanted to kill someone like that....
If not, it'd be a great idea...

A great project opportunity for modders if it isn't implemented...
lol, he_heads, only weapon available: HE grenades. Objective: throw grenades at your friend's heads until they die, lolllll
in cs the grenade exploded when it hits something usually, so there would be no point.

No they don't, they're on a timer