Countdown for Dreamhack has begun

May 18, 2003
Reaction score
At least for me :)

3 hours left before you can buy tickets. Anyone from the forums going?

For those who dont know, Dreamhack is a lan here in Sweden, its twice a year (Dreamhack Summer, Dreamhack Winter) and will have about 6500 attendees. I know some from Germany and Holland going... but mostly swedes.

Heres a pic from Dreamhack Summer 2003 (Gamer event with about 5000 ppl)

Ill be sitting on row 3, right in front of the bigscreen and the speakers. I cant sit in scenezone since i got some gamer friends with me (they block gaming servers on scenezone) but we sit just infront of them so no bigge :)

You will see me there doing some advertising for my mod and for my site.

Cya there!
that picture is a beautiful sight, i love lans. wish they had some big ones locally.
gh0st said:
that picture is a beautiful sight, i love lans. wish they had some big ones locally.

I will be reporting (you can read it from my site in the sign) with both phots, text and movies. I got a crew of 5 with me and we're hoping to win some compos... dont think we will but still...
I might be going, but since I'm on the border of France - Schweiz right now, I don't know if I'll make it up in time.

The people with Mac always gathers in a nice corner, we're the Illuminati behind DH.
imagine the pron flying across the network.

NOW THAT'S beautiful.
I wish they'd turn the lights off. Assembly is much more cool, though it is getting a bit lame these days. But I love it since it's in a areena, makes the feeling better imo.
MaxiKana said:
I wish they'd turn the lights off. Assembly is much more cool, though it is getting a bit lame these days. But I love it since it's in a areena, makes the feeling better imo.

The lights are off most of the time, but this is pic from the first day when everyone is packing their stuff upp. Lans should be dark. Too bad i didnt go to Assembly when it was a pure demo party... so much better than a gamer lan. DHW04 is the most demo-ish lan i can get to :)
that lan looks great, the biggest lans we get in the uk are the multiplay ones, and i thought 1000 was allot of people... thats HUGE !!
must take some organising... :O
I live a couple of hours away from Huston, TX. Supposedly they are turning into the gaming capital of the world so thats good news for me. Quakecon anyone?
We have a big tri-monthly lan event here in Kentucky called Lanwar, which is pretty fun. Then once a year, they host MillionManLan, which holds up to 1500 people. Pretty cool. The next Lanwar is next weekend, but im not going since were not off from school the day after, and i need my sleep. :O
We have something out at the local university every now and again. I've signed up but I haven't turned up to one yet :O Don't think they ever get more than like 600, that's as much as the venue allows (and noise control... it's on campus).
I love the connection @ DH :) Probably not going..can never be arsed to bring my computer that far :[
all the 6500 tickets were sold in about 40mins, thats a record :)

I got five tickets!
6500 :|

The biggest lan Party here has 1500 people....
Majestic XII said:
all the 6500 tickets were sold in about 40mins, thats a record :)

I got five tickets!

Wow, that's faster than the Billy Conolly concert I missed :(