Counter Strike Source Flashlight and Map Problems.



I had recently started playing counter strike source after the new update and i noticed the flashlight does'nt light up any of the ct or t models when you shine the light on them? You can really tell when you go under the bridge on dust and shine it on their face...and not only that the floor under the bridge and some other areas in diffrent maps show like all choopy and weird patterns when you shine the flashlight on it.
I wasnt having that problem before.......Do any of you get the same..flash them and check the models....

by the way the new models suck ass they look like 1.6..they looked normal before tall and realistic and now they look like midgets..
I never really use my flashlight except for when I feel like being an ass, so I wouldn't know. I will check it out tonight. And, yes, the new T models do suck. :p
they are short, T model wheres lipstick, and I can't tell them apart when they are in darker areas at a short distance very well
This problem is really annoying. I cant see any CT or T models with my flashlight and these floor textures are worst than I thought after going to a few diffrent maps....try this guys shit the flashlight on their face and also shine it on the floors and various parts of a map or and please let me know if your receiving the same BULLSHIT................Once again these CT and T models are really ****ing stupid......BRING BACK THE TALL PEOPLE
i swear ive never heard ne one say one positive thing about ne thing valve does after an update. Everyone focuses on what they dont like theres never making ne of you happy because u complain about everything, who the **** cares if the models are shorter does that really effect the game? besides not being able to spray like an idiot?
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Well I have to say one thing. The models are the least of my concern.
It's the Graphic texture glitche llike the flashlight not being able to flash light on any models wether its a T or a CT.

And not only that did i mention it also the floor textures are all ****ed up when you shine the light on them?

I consider my 6800GT PCI-Xpress a good enough card to handle CS:Source and even on low settings problem persist.

T skins/models/whatever need to be changed. They look like midgets, and in the dark + long distances you can't tell them apart from a CT.
Yesterday.. In an hour game.. I teamkilled twice and teamattacked almost a dozen times because of the new T model.. It sucks big time! About the rest of the update: havn't really noticed something diffrent.. I'm not really paying any attention to tiles etc. at all.. Who cares.. So I geuss that's the good thing..
Ive tkd a few times as well,but when the ts are a way off I find myself hesitating before shooting and then Im dead:frown: