Counter Strike: source Knife Bots!

Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Everyone.
I've been playing a lot of CS:S lately with my dad over lan.
We play a lot of matches where we are on one team and the other team is full of bots with knifes.

The problem I am having is no matter what I do I can't seem to get more then 20 bots on the enemy team. These are the commands I enter when I create the server.

mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 35 (usually a high number around 40 or sometimes even 200)
bot_add_ct (I do this command repeatedly)

After I have added 20 bots to the enemy team I get this message:
'Could not add bot to the game: Team is full'

I have tried many different ways to stop this happening but without success. :(

Could someone please tell me why this could be happening? also if possible a way around it.

Thank you for you time. :)
I'm sure there must be a way to do this from the console but I don't know it I'm afraid.

I can tell you that you're better off setting mp_limitteams to zero which disables the check altogether (it's maximum value is way below 200 anyway).

Also do you have any interest in Left 4 Dead? Because what you are doing is exactly what inspired them to make it.
I actually remember something similar happening to someone else. It reports the team is full because there are no more spawn points for the bots. It's a mapping problem that can be solved by downloading modded DLL's for a dedicated server, but unfortunately I don't know how to do it myself--seems like google is your best bet. Alternatively, play larger maps that can handle more players. A good place to start looking for it would be here:
If not, ask here: And they should be able to tell you.