Counter-Strike: Source Update and Server Issues

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
In other news, there was a Counter-Strike: Source update last night. The update finally fixed, amongst other things, the dreadful %n crash bug.
<ul >
[*]Fixed %n exploit crash[br]
[*]Fixed smoke grenade stacking with repeating sounds[br]
[*]Fixed smoke grenades getting stuck in cracks and never
[br]And finally, yes, we're having a few problems with our servers at the moment. The servers will not be back up until towards the weekend but for now you can jump on and play with us on a temporary server (details below). Alternatively if you're in the USA you may, or may not, be aware that we have consolidated our New York servers into one slightly bigger one while the Texas server remains unchanged. Just as a reminder, here are the current server details:[br]
[] CS NY | 20 slots |[br]
[br][] CS TX | 20 slots |
[br] - Public (01) | 16 slots |
Woohoo, CSS is getting closer to it's READY status (refering to what Doug said in the Homelan interview, saying it was released because it was ready)

(BTW it's my first '1st post' ;))
can't wait to play CS:S, oh wait, yes I can... that's why Im waiting for retail.

I have a question about posting. I know how to post a picture on my personal forum, but how do I center it like in the first topic post??
They still have to fix a few cvars and console commands that the server side may think of as a "cheat"
I love how the CS:S update has nothing to do with fixing the lag and numerous bugs in the game.

and no its not my computer...104.5 FPS in the stress test. Running 1024x768, all details max, no AA or AF on a AMD 64 3400. 1 gig ram, 9800 pro 256mb, etc
heh.... i nearly had a heart attack when it said 'unlocking half life 2 game files' :P
[Matt] said:
heh.... i nearly had a heart attack when it said 'unlocking half life 2 game files' :P

Yeah man... tell me about it.
haha, i freaked out when it said unlocking files too. i was like "ahh i thought i had 4 weeks to upgrade!" then it didnt let me play but i was happy and sad at the same time, happy b/c it would be crappy on my current computer, and sad because its HL2. :(
Theres many other things to fix, not just grenade stacking. Is the glitch where you can throw a grenade into someone's face, and they get stuck fixed?
Windom said:
Theres many other things to fix, not just grenade stacking. Is the glitch where you can throw a grenade into someone's face, and they get stuck fixed?
I threw one up someone's ass and it got stuck
Wesisapie said:
what about new maps and models :(

Give them time, IMHO I think they are working on a more direct port from 1.6, with the new maps/models and should release them directly before HL2 hits shelves, or shortly thereafter.
that pissed me off when it said unlocking...i ran to my neighboors house to tell him and bring him over and im like WTF! gosh they just want us to die i swear they did it on purpose!
omg some people are so stupid....

vu release date: 16th november.
20th october: omg people hl2 is being unlocked!!!! ahahaha

anyway, its about time they sorted out the smokies...never been more annoyed when you throw one and it hits a player, and then bounces back at you!! and the same with flash bangs ffs lol.

the new maps and models should be released with hl2, it just makes sense...and where is dod:s???
Lol still only 2 types of character, and this is supposed to be finished
"just a port of 1.6". remember how 1.6 had heaps more maps and 4 models per team? yeah i do too! this is not "just a port of 1.6", it's not _even_ a port of 1.6

"the new maps and models should be released with hl2, it just makes sense", no that doesnt make sense to me. they laud over their ability to update a game easily to source engine yet they do a half arsed job, then they laud over the ease of updating through steam, yet they still haven't done it.

when i say "new maps and models", im referring to the old ones from 1.6, but new for cs:s.
How do I get steam to download the update?
Yes I'm n00b to steam I know...
Pureball said:
anyway, its about time they sorted out the smokies...never been more annoyed when you throw one and it hits a player, and then bounces back at you!! and the same with flash bangs ffs lol.
Yeah, because that's not realistic... :|

Look, you throw a grenade at someone in real life it would bounce back. I agree not a long way, but it will. It's called "Physical simulation". Get used to it, there'll be a lot more of that later on.
it would be fun if you could throw a grenade in someone's face and it would cause damage. Terrorists should be armed with rocks :E ....
Great, they finally fixed the %n exploit crash!

PS: What the heck is a %n exploit crash?
notmydesk said:
Great, they finally fixed the %n exploit crash!

PS: What the heck is a %n exploit crash?

If you named yourself %n and got killed the game would crash.

I think.

Oh, and by game I mean server.
TheEdge|Jinx said:
How do I get steam to download the update?
Yes I'm n00b to steam I know...
Just load Steam and it will start updating. If not, play the game.
SIN55 said:
it would be fun if you could throw a grenade in someone's face and it would cause damage. Terrorists should be armed with rocks :E ....

They already do cause damage. I've seen people die from flashbangs.

Look, CS:S is an attempt at a port, and it failed. Just give them time, and things should be sorted out.

If you don't believe me, play source for a day or two till you're comfortable with it, then go back to 1.6 It feels totally different, and it's not just the graphics. The hitboxes and recoil are a lot different in 1.6.

Just give them time I say.
Anyone else get the nice fun glitch where you press fire and nothing happens and you have to press it again?? this is my BIGGEST gripe i've died so many times becuase of that...
Electricview said:
Anyone else get the nice fun glitch where you press fire and nothing happens and you have to press it again?? this is my BIGGEST gripe i've died so many times becuase of that...
that is your gun reloading

it just said unlocking files to me... but i knew anyways, i emailed valve the night before i went on holiday asking them no to release it until im back *evil laughter*
Electricview said:
Anyone else get the nice fun glitch where you press fire and nothing happens and you have to press it again?? this is my BIGGEST gripe i've died so many times becuase of that...

Actually, yes I get that too... I found that it was the second mouse button interfering... I bound the +attack2 to another keyboard button...