CounterStrike home invasion: 1 dead


May 5, 2004
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Not sure where to put this thread:

"Crown Prosecutor James Bennett SC, told the court Mr Em and another man invaded the Logozzos' home shortly after midnight, dressed as characters from the computer game Counter Strike.

During the invasion, Mr Logozzo was shot in the chest and his wife in the hand."

someone's been playing a bit too much CS:S
Some people shouldn't be allowed to own computers.
Alot of people should be banned from the internet and real world.
Well, this isnt going to look good for computer games.
Could've at least shown a photo of their costume :p
Whats worse I bet they were hacking too.
How the hell do they know he's dressing up as a counter-strike charecter? I mean, who would openly admit that after being caught?
AudioRage said:
How the hell do they know he's dressing up as a counter-strike charecter? I mean, who would openly admit that after being caught?

The kind of retard that plays CS enough to dress up as a CT, invade someone's home killing a man and shooting his wife...
So every terrorist in the world is now dressing up as a Counter Strike character???

Bushs next speech: "...we will continue to hunt down these Counter Strike clones, first step is to take down the Steam network and freeze Valves funding..." :LOL:
Wow thats ridiculous. Sad sad people.
So the robbers were dressed like... robbers?
why do they assume they were dressed as counter strike characters?

Is the skimasked guy with camo automatically associated with CS nowadays?
|LGW|Mith said:
why do they assume they were dressed as counter strike characters?

Is the skimasked guy with camo automatically associated with CS nowadays?

exactly what i was thinking! they probally just stole a uniform from the SAS or something, then some spotty nerd shouts "HE LOOKS LIKE TEH GUY IN CS!!!" and suddenly the media are all over it.
the whole association is utterly rediculous, sometimes i just want to plant a bomb in a journalists house and "Get Out of There It's Gonna Blow!!"
or give a journalist a knife the tell him your gonna knife fight him... then just at the last miunte u pull out a deagle and blow him away.
(i wouldnt actually do this ... but funny thought)


I see the news


and the mothers:

"oh my god, son dont play videogames they kill you" and pick up a bat and smash the PC/console
Its sad how after one or a group of insane people go on a rampage that is assumed to be the games fault, the media say that Video Games turn people into violent masscarerererer-things ;(

Manhunt is banned in Australia because of an incident that happened in New Zealend, it probably had nothing to do with manhunt too

I am the only one left in my crew, the zombies are everywhere pretending to be humans. Must kill them all! =P
Danimal said:
Manhunt is banned in Australia because of an incident that happened in New Zealend, it probably had nothing to do with manhunt too

Haha, didn't hear about that :D Link?
Max_Payne said:
or give a journalist a knife the tell him your gonna knife fight him... then just at the last miunte u pull out a deagle and blow him away.
(i wouldnt actually do this ... but funny thought)



I did that in CS once. I was in a server with a hardcore clan that was all about honor and fighting 'til the death and stuff. One of them called me out on a knife fight with his mic and I was like "Sure, let's knife."

So we line up and pull out our knifes. He says "Fight!" and I run up to him slashing my knife in the air. Once I got within five feet of him, I whipped out the M4 and shot him up. His reaction was just like the guy from All of the other people at the server were loling. :LOL:
Ya I think media is bulls**t anyways. Look at how much s**t they try to make us believe. The only reason the news is interesting is becasue of the medias bending of the truth. But I agree some people are probably stupid enough, and crazy enough to kill someone while imitating a game. A while a go I heard that a kid went and killed another kid over loosing in a cs match. Now thats what I call pathetic. You know you should shoot yourself in the head when...
Another thing that I wonder about cs is all those little fags that think there so tough and are always saying "I'm gonna find where you live and I'm gonna beat the s**t out of you" I can't believe all these statements I've heard over the years. I doubt half of 'em could lay a beating on a fly.