Country for Sale


Jul 26, 2005
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The self-proclaimed sovereign principality of Sealand, built atop a World War II artillery platform in the North Sea, is for sale for the whopping price tag of $977 million.



How bout we all pitch in and buy it, we'll call it ""
We can all afford it,
Badger will sell his vast collection of skinny pants
Short Recoil/Punisher will rob a bank
Willie will work the street corners
And I'll sell taters.
Everyone. I have news to tell you. There are people in that country that want us dead. They will do anything in there power to stop us from being free. We need to raid it and claim it. Get your guns.

So it begins
That heap of junk is not worth 1 billion. You can buy bigger ****ing islands with palm trees and shit for a lot less, and bitches too.
Buy it, legalize marijuana and make it a stoner's haven.
Then we'll invade you and claim it as our own! ww3 is upon us gentlemen. and ladies...
Then we'll invade you and claim it as our own! ww3 is upon us gentlemen. and ladies...

We will win. We have an overwhelming number of idiots that live here that will be more than willing to fight for the land. The pawns, as I like to call them. And once we win, we will take your wimmens, booze and kangaroos.

I'd actually buy that crapstack if, it was part of Britain, was wired up to the British mainland (interwebs, cable, the works), came with a small dinghy that could navigate to the mainland, and a TV.

I'd love to live in Britain, specially if it was on that... THING.

Oh i do, Imaa swimmin' in your waterz stelin ur tidez

Ownt. I pees in ma waturz.
The perfect thing is how this follows the "how much money do you have" thread.


OH-ho-ho...i lol'd at this.

...this guy is tryin to be the sultan of brunei.
They're under threat from being invaded by UK special ops at any time. All they have to do is put a foot wrong. They don't have an army or a nuke.

All it would take to own sealand is an invasion by anyone... I say us HL2.netters get together on a boat, and go invade that place ... we can take it as our own, and then sell it for like 500 million (thats what it is worth). Who's in?
I saw a program on SeaLand, 2 Belgium guys did invade it while they were away so they returned, took them prisoner and held them as Prisoners of War and made a Belgium diplomat come and negociate with them for his release. They released him.

Someone should really use that place to host a torrent site though.
They're under threat from being invaded by UK special ops at any time. All they have to do is put a foot wrong. They don't have an army or a nuke.

All it would take to own sealand is an invasion by anyone... I say us HL2.netters get together on a boat, and go invade that place ... we can take it as our own, and then sell it for like 500 million (thats what it is worth). Who's in?


I and the whole team fully support this utterly-ludicrous but great plan!

I do not in actual fact represent the views of teh entire team
Hey, you know what? It's a country. It's not in the UN.

Which means...

Btw, I read the "goverment" website, and if I was the UK, I would be sending a few dozen warships to it and beating up those seperationist rebel scum.

Imperial Officer said:
You rebel scum!
Dance the Macarena Munro, bitches.

Why do I have to work the street corners Urinel? I work the hos! We gon' by this country!